Do you think the economy will improve in the United States?

Answer #1

On the short term…no. In the long term, yes.

Answer #2

Not if the current failed policies are allowed to continue….businesses have no confidence in the uncertainty environment government has created - over 1 TRILLION in debt added every year for the past 4

Answer #3

To mirror Marisha: In the medium term…yes. In the long term, no.

The truth is, there is no economy. I’m serious. What people call “the economy” consists of a whole lot of different kinds of phenomena and activities. They can’t possibly all improve together. One simple example: When the dollar strengthens against other currencies, that’s better for U.S. consumers because they/we can afford to purchase more foreign-made goods, trips abroad, etc. But it’’s worse for U.S. exporting companies because their goods become less affordable to people in international markets. Even the value of economic growth, often considered the main measurement of improvement, is ambiguous. For one thing, growth in “the economy” in recent years has produced a lot of new wealth for the wealthy, but not many new jobs for people hit by the recession or newly entering the work force. More deeply, the need for endless economic growth binds us to ecologically unsustainable practices that have already begun creating conditions (like global meltdown) that are increasingly likely to bring economic and social catastrophe.

So when you ask if “the economy” will improve, you have to specify - improve how, and for whom?

Answer #4

I dont know that we should want it to. sustained economic growth is not a realistic future for us and the planet. To believe that the population of the earth can continue to grow, and that we can have economic growth and expanding personal wealth and prosperity for more people is absurd. the best we can hope for is sustainment, but what will be needed is a huge downsizing.

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