Ear piercings in the workplace

I have 6 piercings in each ear. Do anybody think it would be a problem working in the hospitality industry. Will they make me take my earrings out.

Answer #1

It depends on who you are working for.

As a chef, I have worked for some who won’t allow even a medic alert in the workplace, and I’ve worked for some who allow every facial piercing known to man.

Usually, earrings aren’t a huge problem unless you’re working in the kitchen.

Answer #2

it also depends on how big the earings are. if they are big loops then it might be a problem.

Answer #3

the rules are getting stricter now most hospitality places probably woint allow you to have them in or if they do, theyll only let you wear one pair so you look “normal” to them and customers some places dont mind about peircings though ulitimatly though youll have to ask them if they allow them or not

Answer #4

Definetely.. Most professional places only allow 2 piercings in each ear. I used to have a lot, but I took them out due to the line of work I am in.

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