How does ear candling work?

I’m curious, I’d like to do it to get all the crap outta my ears ;p

Answer #1

It doesnt. If you have a problem with ear wax etc, I would recommend going to a doctor and getting them syringed.

Answer #2

Tried it once and I’m pretty sure it’s a cool hoax. The ‘candle” is a tightly rolled long piece of wax paper you put one end in your ear and light the other. The heat is supposed to draw wax from the ear, but I believe the wax you see is just from the paper itself. Hydrogen peroxide will dissolve wax and allow you to flush it out with warm water. Your local pharmacy has ‘kits’ for sale made for this purpose.

Answer #3

My aunt used to do this on my sisters & I all the time. I think it works, unless all the stuff that ends up on the plate isn’t ear wax then I dunno lol

Answer #4

Don’t know what the others are on about but last time my Pop visited he did it and it worked. Not sure why people would call it a hoax…

Answer #5

Bruce Jenner did it on the show one time.(Keeping up with the Kardashians). It actually worked and he had alot of wax come out of his ear. If you have a netflix account, the episode could possibly be on there…

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