Dry skin... Yuck.

Anybody know any good ways to make their skin glow??? Haha, might sound ridiculous but my skin has been so dry lately and nothing I do seems to help. I’m willing to try anything :)

Answer #1

Aveeno daily moisturizer (green bottle) and Aquaphor work wonders.

A gentle pumice stone is good for areas with tougher skin.

Answer #2

wit dis you dont have to by anything


  1. wash your face reguraly and best with soap
  2. after that put baby lotion on you face
  3. drink as much as water as you can 4.dont force yourself to drink water
Answer #3

I use Gold bond ultimate. softening skin therapy lotion. I’ve been using it for a while and it works really well for me. Just it’s like 15 bucks a bottle. /;

Answer #4

its this olay stuff. comes in a purple bottle(lotion) it shimmers and hydrated skin like crazy. you can get it in lotion form or a moose like form. the moose like stuff works way better. its kinda expensive but is worth every penny. you can get it just about anywhere too. wallmart, target, wallgreens, cvs ect. hope I helped xoxo

Answer #5

coco butter! lol

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