Drunk mom

My mom is a drunk.. I’ve been home for 2 weeks and she has been drinking every day siince.. What can I do. I live in washington and I wanna move ot.. Im almost 16. I dont really wanna get emancipated tho. I wanna move back in with my uncle

Answer #1

I know how you feel… Ok..as a kid, you have limited options… if it is really bad, move in with your uncle.. dont expect any reasoning on her part…it will be the drink talking.. ask your uncle to help and if it means putting her in rehab, as costly as it is, it must be done if you want her to get better…move to your uncles..but b prepared for some manipulation and tantrums…it happens with everyone who has a drinking problem..im so sorry this is happening to you and its not fair when the kid becomes the adult…but put those thoughts at the back of your mind..if you wanna get through this, you have to believe it WILL get better..and hopefully your mam will get better too…make sure you have plenty friends and family around u…I hope I helped a lil bit but I no only your mam changing will help you feel better…

Answer #2

it already is too much… I am seeing a psychiatrist.. weekly.. I’ve told her everything.. I’ve brought my mom in on it too.. I cant stand this…

Answer #3

Look in the phone book for Alcoholics Anonymous, call them up, and ask about Ala-teen meetings. Ala-teen is for teenage children of alcoholics. They can help you to understand and deal with what is going on. Even if you move in with another relative, find a chapter near your place.

Your Mom has a serious problem, and it will never go completely away, but it can be managed. AND often, when you - and others who are near and dear to your Mom - go to these meetings, that could influence your Mom to seek help. But first, you have to take care of yourself. So make that call.

Good Luck!!

Answer #4

she wont go to AA and where I live there isnt a group like that.. :( I’ve tried.. and she wont let me leave cause she thinks she has her poblem undercontroll.. im sucidle on a daily basis.. I hate er.. I hate life right now.. I was soo much happier with my uncle

Answer #5

talk to someone and get help, if it gets to much.

Answer #6

shes not doing anything to report to cps. shes just over using her right to drink

Answer #7

cps. it works. been there done that.

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