Do dreams really become true.

Do dreams really become true.

Answer #1

Yes, I’v had many dreams that have came true. I remember one in particular I had a dream of a Math test & I saw the answers a few days later I had the same test & had not a clue of what I was doing, but I remembered some ansers from my dream & I got an A! …I wonder if that would be considered cheating…

Answer #2

Don’t do on my thinking “sexmeupchild’s fricken wakk” haha mine do though

Answer #3

Yeah of course they do, I mean I have dreams that I want to have come true. You see dreams are something you gotta work for ya know.

Answer #4

kiss me

Answer #5

Yes, sometimes they do - some really depend upon your earnest efforts to attain…Good luck !!

Answer #6

Definitly not all but some, yes. But they aren’t just going to happen, you have to try really hard for them sometimes. Life is what you make of it, don’t depend on a dream.

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