What do dreams mean?

what do dreams mean?

Answer #1

listen to cinderella… “a dream is a wish your heart makes… when you’re fast asleep…” no actually dreams are your brain sorting and organizing and trying to understand the day

Answer #2

Dreams are mostly a reflection of what had happened earlier in the day. Yet all jumbled up. It also depends on what you ate during the day, or so I hear.

Answer #3

I dreamed that people I know died and not too long after the dream they died so im getting really worried now because id a dream last night that my mam did

Answer #4

I believe that dreams can and sometimes do have a ‘meaning’ behind them. But there are some dreams that just… happen for no apparent reason. It really depends on what the dream is about, I suppose.

Answer #5

simple…dreams are made up of thoughts and/or events that your mind is dealing with, but your mind cant deal with it as good when you are concious so it deals with it in the subconcious state, say you have a fear…you will dream about this fear off and on until your mind is not afraid anymore,

Answer #6

yesss they are very significant. they reveal your state of mind (afraid happy sad) your desires your fears and sometimes they reveal something about you thaat you dont admit about yourself when your awake. I have had lots of life changing dreams. you can go to google and type in dream dictionary to find an interpretation or you can ask me and I will give it a shot at interpreting because I love to do that. do not ignore them !

Answer #7

It depends on who you ask. Freud thought that there were a lot of things that you felt or thought that you kept out of your conscious because they were to scary to deal with (you know the oedipal complex etc…) and so you repressed them, and the thoughts, repressions, fears, things you didnt deal with came out while you were asleep… Some people think its just random neurons firing while you’re asleep… (I.e. they dont mean much…)

Answer #8

a lot of things depending on the dream’s content.

Answer #9

I like my dreams. Fave part of the day. In my opinion, they’re a little inside your head.

Answer #10

I think some dreams can why otuhers are stuff that are up in your head

Answer #11

Another thing is that a dream could even be things that you never thought about just things that ‘popped’ into your head

Answer #12

dreams are the subconcious mind bringing something to your attention ,it does so in symbols .find the symbology to your dreams and you have your answer.

Answer #13

yes some dreams can. onetime I dreamed I was in Mexico at this very large house and right in the back yard it had a long pond with fish in it .anyway the next day I went to my cousins house and I saw a home and design magazine so when I looked inside it was the same large house from my dream. so its like what ever I see in my dream I will see it the next day

Answer #14

well. I believe that dreams have meanings. I have learned that in my dreams, if I see someone that I haven’t in a while. I will be seeing or hearing from them within the next couple of days. this never fails. usually when I dream about something, eventually it comes true. I.e: my mothers marriage. my boyfriends death. my aunt adopting children. an so on.

so some may think that they have no meaning. but I believe that they do.

Answer #15

Dreams are random thoughts that you may or may not want. Though they are a figure of your amagination they do at least touch down on your deepest thoughts emotions and feelings. Dreams are like the Zodiac, just a way we think to have a connection to the paranormal (the thin line between reality and dreams) An example of this would be a super power! Everyone wishes that we could distory all the people we hate and fly. But the truth is we can’t, but this is still a theroy. every thing is a theroy, look at your best friends, they are always there for you they now how you think, but over all could they be a figure of your own amagination? The world is full of questions, dreams are but one.

hope that helps -TA

Answer #16

Dreams, are when your brain takes all of the information it has gained over that day andstores it in the proper place, later to be remembered. While it is doing so, you can see these images in your minds eye. You could have a long dream about something upsetting, which is referred to as a nightmare. If you aren’t thinking literally, dreams often mean various things depending on what it was about.

Peace & Love


Answer #17

what kind of dreams

Answer #18

so… dreams may just be your minds way of warning you of something.

Answer #19

I normally dream about things after I binge (I have compulsive eating). I think it might be triggered by something, or maybe just occasional thoughts while you’re sleeping.

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