why do i doubt if i really believe that jesus died for me?

Answer #1

I used to think all the Jesus stuff was bull, I refused to hear about it. But then something happened in my life that drove me to believe, when you know, you know. There’s not question in my mind of his love, I feel it everyday how much he cares. You need to give your faith some time to smooth over, he will call to you when you are ready

Answer #2

Well said.

Answer #3

Because all christians have doubts, as all people have doubts. I’m a christian and I doubt sometimes, too. Sometimes it’s hard to depend entirely on your faith, especially when you try to be a good person and terrible things still happen. It doesn’t mean you’re weak in faith or a bad christian. It means you’re curious and inquiring and it’s a good thing.

Answer #4


Answer #5


Answer #6

Any individual may choose to believe what he wants. Many people nowadays are turning doen their religion. I doubt my religion too, but I am learning to live with it, because I believe everyone should have something to believe in, even if it is not true. I doubt my religion from time to time, but I accept the lessons that I am taught by it. If you in fact doubt that Jesus died for you, think of the reason you are being told this. I think of it that we should not sin because it takes something great to overcome it. We should be good because it takes sacrifice to forgive. These are just my thoughts, so don’t judge.

Answer #7

One thing I believe is you don’t have to go to church to believe in God. I have found that a lot of churches I have been to want to bully you into their way of thinking, not for me. I like to think for myself, I like to learn thinks the way I want to learn them, and then if I have a question, I will ask, then research the answer I get.

Answer #8

Well said, I also think you shall not judge, for the be judged.

Answer #9

I myself haven’t been to church in.. years. I did not like it, but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe either.

Answer #10

Yes, but I get judged for it all the time, it does not help I live in the bible belt.

Answer #11

That’s pretty much why I had to stop going to service. It’s sad, really :(

Answer #12

Yes whill I do love to talk with them when they come to my door, some of them can get forceful.

Answer #13

Because there is many perspectives to look from, there is so many stuff going around and so many things to believe that is hard to choose one.

Answer #14

Does the story really make sense? God makes humans imperfect but judges us by impossible standards. When everyone falls short we are all sinners. We can’t be good enough no mater how hard we try to save ourselves so God sacrificed his own son who is actually himself to himself but then raises his son from the dead after a few days but this sacrifice is good enough to forgive mankind’s sins but only if we believe it.

Answer #15

i think it does. think about it. hte world could not have been made by a big bang thing. it had to be made by something with intelligence. not just atoms and molecules. also there is also scientific evidence to prove the existence of God. the planets are placed in the just right order so theat we can have water and oxygen. look on google for more. also just becuase you cant see him dont mean he aint there. wind is not able to be seen by the human eye. you can feel it thougt and yu can see how it makes the leaves dance in the wind. it is like the same way with God, you may not be able to see him, but you can feel his spirit and presence, and you cans ee the effects he has onh other people.
god bless you

Answer #16

also there is also scientific evidence to prove the existence of God …I’m sorry, but that is an absolute false statement

Answer #17

how do you know???????? If you think about all the things in the world and all the impossible or seem to be impossible scientific things and you have no answer for them, you can always look back to God. and how do you know that it is false?????? if you get on google and look up 6 scientific facts to prove the existence of God you will see what i am taling about.

Answer #18

His Sacrifice ‘Jesus came to earth?’ you may ask. ‘Where did he come from?’ Jesus himself said: “I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of him that sent me.” (John 6:38) He had a prehuman existence as the only-begotten Son of God. What then was the will of the One who sent him to earth? “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son,” says John, one of the Gospel writers, “in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) How was this possible?

The Bible reveals how death became the unavoidable lot for mankind. The first human couple received from God life with the prospect of living forever. However, they chose to rebel against their Maker. (Genesis 3:1-19) As a result of this action, the first human sin, the offspring of Adam and Eve inherited the unwelcome legacy of death. (Romans 5:12) In order to give mankind real life, sin and death must be done away with.

After a ministry of three and a half years here on earth, Jesus was killed by his opposers. He showed that a perfect man can be obedient to the Creator despite even the greatest trials. (1 Peter 2:22) His sacrificed perfect human life became the ransom price, able to redeem mankind from sin and death. Jesus Christ said: “No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends.” (John 15:13) On the third day after his death, Jesus was resurrected to spirit life, and some weeks later he ascended to heaven to present the ransom price to Jehovah God. (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Hebrews 9:11-14) By doing so, Jesus was able to apply the merit of his ransom sacrifice to those who follow him.

Answer #19

Ok then.

Answer #20

the flesh is contrary to the word, your just like all of us :0) 1 Corinthians 15:3

Answer #21

I totally agree with flowerpower123! She said everything I was thinking! How can the big bang be real? The big bang is made up of SO many guesses! When scientists talk about the big bang, they use “probably” and “maybe” so many times! It is impossible to make so many guesses and get them all right. And once you mess up on one guess- BOOM! everything else gets messed up. How can life start by itself? Scientists say, there was the jawless fish… then the fish developed a jaw… then that devolved into that… and so on. But life HAD to start from SOMETHING. But how? Life can not just “appear”. Everything is created by someone. So was the Earth. God is the great Creator! They say we come from monkeys… would monkeys be extinct if we came from them? The monkeys evolved into us… so that means there would be no more monkeys! But there is! If there is no God… then how come they found Noah’s ark? How come so many miracles happen when people who believe in him pray to him? People get sick… doctors try to heal them… nothing works. Christians get together and pray- the person is healed! God works miracles! He really does exist!

Answer #22

Try reading the Bible more. I swear you can feel the presence of God. :) Try it. It should be enough.

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