Do you think donating organs should be mandatory?

Except for those who can’t because of religion

Answer #1

No … as much as I may urge people to be an organ donor, they still have the right to choose what happens to their personal property (their bodies).

Answer #2

I think they should if they have healthy organs then why not.. it’ll help others in need and it’s a good deed. I am a organ-donor and even though i obviously won’t be alive with the transition happens but im proud to be one.

Answer #3

I am an organ donor and strongly believe in doing so. It’s your last chance to help someone. But Mandatory, no.

Answer #4

I think that as because I am an organ donor I do show people the good points to being one but I would never force it on someone. Some people can be genuinly scared of the thought of having their organs removed and I can totally see why so I think that it should be encouraged but never made mandatory.

Answer #5

I feel like it should be mandatory to donate organs due to the fact that people have more than enough to go around and if your dead you don’t need them anyways. As my grandmother told me You come in with nothing and you leave with nothing.

Answer #6

Then again, you come in with your body, are you to be stripped of the choice to leave without it?

Answer #7

No, I don’t. I think people should have the choice of weather or not they want to donate their own organs.

Answer #8

I can see the benefits in donating organs, but I don’t think that it should ever be something that is made mandatory. Donations, regardless of what the donation is, should never be forced. They should be given only by free will of those who possess that which is going to be donated.

If a person would like to leave this world in one piece, I don’t think anyone has the right to take their rights away simply because they’re deceased.

Answer #9

No. I’m for sure going to be an organ donor & my mom is already one so obviously I think it’s a wonderful thing to do and all but then again it’s your body; your choice. & It would be unconstitutional to make it mandatory. But if it WAS mandatory, I don’t think people should be exempt from the law because their religion.

Answer #10

yes i think that if you are dead any way why not help someone else in need

Answer #11

Why should I offer my failing body to support another failing body? I kill myself for someone who means nothing to me?

Answer #12

Why should I offer my failing body to support another failing body? I kill myself for someone who means nothing to me?

Answer #13

Why should I offer my failing body to support another failing body? I kill myself for someone who means nothing to me?

Answer #14

Why should I offer my failing body to support another failing body? I kill myself for someone who means nothing to me?

Answer #15

Why should I offer my failing body to support another failing body? I kill myself for someone who means nothing to me?

Answer #16

No, I don’t.

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