why does my dog bite my hands alot?

Is it because she a puppy?

Answer #1

thts how puppies play w/ other puppies so she is doin the same w/ u. its perfectly normal

Answer #2

Yes.. she’s playful, not to mention teething. Give her some chew toys.. They actually have hand shaped chew toys at Wal Mart and Petco lol

Answer #3

p.s. if u dnt have the funds to buy the toys, give her an old shoe or sum

Answer #4

WHAT!that weird…lol

Answer #5

hahaha ..ok:)

Answer #6

Dogs must learn to use teeth properly as part of behavior development. By helping dogs learn bite inhibition early on, you can help avoid bite incidents involving other dogs as well as people. This tipsheet contains information adapted from articles by Dr. Ian Dunbar in the November 1999 “Whole Dog Journal” and by September Morn in the April 2003 “DogFancy.”

Dogs normally learn bite inhibition by 4 and a half months of age. Dunbar believes it’s the single most important thing that dogs learn. So try to teach your dogs bite inhibition by age three months and reinforce throughout their lives.

Bite inhibition is a learned response in which the dog consciously inhibits the full force of his biting ability. Most dogs display bite inhibition when they are playing together, and even when engaging in a fight with another dog. If a dog does not have bite inhibition, he could injure and possibly even kill another dog.

Puppies who are properly socialized learn bite inhibition while nursing and playing. When pups bite while nursing, the mother dog will train them by standing up and walking away. When pups bite too hard during play with siblings, the bitten pup will yelp and stop playing with the rough pup. Or the bitten sibling might leap up and knock the rough-housing pup over with a loud bark or growl. This teaches a puppy that playtime ends if he bites too hard

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