How to keep your dog from barking and freaking out every time he sees another animal?

mainly surqiules and other dogs?

Answer #1

call Caesar the dog whisperer! he’s good[:

Answer #2

If you try watching dog whisperer or read up on dog behaviour i’m sure you’ll find some great tips. It could either be that your dog is dog aggressive or that it’s actually frustrated and wants to meet some fellow canines. You need to condition him to treat these situations as positive but if there is a chance of fights then i’d reccommend you go to a pro for advice. Hope that helps.

Answer #3

Truthly it is annoying when your dog is barking out of control…..but its nature……rather have him barking instead of getting rob without him making any noise at all…..

Lesson today…………he’ll eventually learn to get use to them

by the way….what breed of dog is she or he?

Answer #4

Watch or Cal Ceaser Millan. He is a professional. Trust me!

Answer #5


Answer #6

discipline. rasp his snout.

Answer #7

that will make him madder unless you do it the right way like Ceaser Millan does it

Answer #8

When i walk my dog and other dogs bark, most of the time he ignores them but when one is right in front of him all he wants to do is fight it, even if it’s a female. We think it’s coz he was stolen once and chained up so that two pitbulls could tear him up. He’s fine now, it’s been three years, but i think that experience has put him off doggy friends

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