Does My Guy Friend Have A Crush On Me?

I;m secretly Crushing on a Guy friend of mine…I think there is a possibility that he may like me that way too but im not sure..its hard to tell since hes already a friend…anyways..I plan on telling my Crush how I feel..How should I do this exactly and when?how can I find out if there is a possibility he likes me before I declare my feelings?what are signs your guy friend likes you

Answer #1

they always smiles and look at you. they will say yes to you when you tell them “I’m not like ordinary girls alright, I’m special !”

hmmm…thats what I’ve only experience before…

Answer #2

well I think that the only way to tell him is to write a letter because you dont have to face him. now you can tel him everything try not to act like you want him soo bad because then you are going to scare him away just write him a letter and that will I hope it goes well email me

Answer #3

i have the same exact problem.. thats why i googled it .. see with mine, ii met this guy like two months ago at a saturday class i take. The first time I saw him, he was walking by the window on the way into the building and we had a connection as soon as our eyes met. He came in and sat down next to me and we started talking. It turned out we were in all the same classes. So we sat together and then he asked me to wait with him outside for his mom to bring him lunch. So we waited outside for about a half and hour. And then, in our next class, people were asking us if we were boyfriend girlfriend! Can you believe that.. the 1st day we met! So every week after that, we were and still are inseperable. We do everything together on saturdays and i got his number, like week 3. So i can call him to ask him something or whatever or hang out (he doesnt seem to like talking on the phone much.. hes told me that before and doesnt even keep his phone with him much and has a regular ring.. how boring) but he always answers when I call and if he doesnt, he calls back right away. And when we sit together, he leans on me and his leg touches mine, and the other day i think he wanted to hold my hand, but me being oblivious completely blew it. He put his hand out in front of me above my lap and it was just lingering there. So I was like “what?!” and he was like “umm.. hi 5?” Pishhtt..!! I need red flags hitting me in the face to realize anything. So, like and the other day I had to leave early so I told him and he was like “NOO.. tell you dad to go away.. I want you here with me..” So I told him I was going to the movies and he was like “eww.. you bum.. I wanted to go with you..” I already invited him to go out somewhere with me and he said yes.. then he was like.. no i cant.. my mom will be mad if she found out i skipped class. He could have come.. but noo.. he’s not the rebellious type I guess. So I asked him if he wanted to help me study.. and he said yess. but that never happened I didnt feel like calling.. So I texted him and was like what r u doing next week. And he was like IDK G2G study 4 finals.. TTYL.. So, I asked him again Saturday when his finals were over what he was doing next week and he was like IDK.. So I was like Gee.. thanks for leaving some time open to spend with me.. And he was like “what?!” But then he’ll tell me he wants to do something sometime.. Its so weird.. So like he even tells me secrets.. he’ll be facing me and come real close and rest his head on my chin and tell me little secrets. And when he sees me he gets all excited and runs up to me with a huge smile and walks so close our bodys are completely touching.. like ill be standing facing a little to the right and he’ll walk up from the side and his bodys facing my side and he’ll walk all the way up so his whole bodys touching mine. and I wish he’d just put his arm around me Geez!! So here’s where the confusing part comes.. last week we were inseperable as usual until the end of one class. He jumped up out of his seat at the end and ran for the door. So the teacher looks at me and was like whats up with that? I was like I dont know he seems to be in some kind of rush today. He hasnt clued me in yet. She gave me a weird look cuz usually he waits for me and we walk out together . And he runs out and hugs some girl.. i was like what?! thats my hug! I didnt say that though. So I walk up to them and they were talking. So he went and showed her OUR little british boy that WE talk to. And then he left us really quick and was like I HAVE to go to the kitchen.. So I introduced myself and she was his friend from school who started classes there. There not romantically involved. Thank god. They have known eachother since elementary school. So I brought her to the bathroom to show her where it was and talked to her for a bit. So when she finally went to the bathroom, I got curious about what was up with Hans. So I went looking for him.. And sure enough he was standing alone in the kitchen with a snack looking out the doorway. I was like are you avoiding me and he was like umm no I just needed a snack. And then he kept looking out the door way and was like we should go find Vicki. So he left six feet in front of me.. usually we walk together. So we found her and then he held my hand and asked me to go get something with him and leaned on me as usual. But then we went back and he took off again. His excuse this time was he needed a drink. So this time we both went to find him. He was in the kitchen.. And when we walked in, he took off and was like o.. i have to pee. So we (me and his friend Vicki) walked around talking. So I took matters into my own hands and was like So.. does he have a girlfriend? And she was like “no.. his last one was a few months ago.. why do you like him..?” And I was like yes.. and then he walked up to us so we stopped talking about him.. And then I walked up to her later and was like will you find out if he likes me.. and she was like I was already going to. But then he came looking for me. But then in our next class we were fine again and lovey dovey like usual. But then at break he took off and went to see her so I let him go. But then at the end of class. Again.. he took off. and left us both so we found him at the desk and I walked really close like he does and was like gee thanks for taking off., And he was like i didnt take off I just got something from the desk,, And then took off AGAIN!! And went to the bathroom. And left me and Vicki in the hall to talk.. Let me remind you.. he takes 30 min in the bathroom.. To change his clothes.. WHat the heak could he be doing for 30 min?! So we’re chatting away when some techer sees me and was like you two stay out of trouble.. I was like hes been in the bathroom for 30 min so she comes over and walks in the bathroom (guys bathroom.. shes a girl) and was like Hans Im coming in.. Are your pants up? Then talked to him for a minute at the door and he was just like what?! Then she left and he came out. The took off for the elevators. And he ran out the door and let it slam on us. He usually holds it for us. Then kept walking and stopped at the corner to wait for us. That day was just totally bizarre. Do you think he was trying to get his friend to talk to me to find out if i liked him or to see what she thought of me or something? Do you think he likes me? Sorry for writing so much.. thats just what I do.. :O)

Answer #4

You just need to act like yourself, because if this friend is a guy who talks to you about some serious stuff like being kind and sharing some background info. Then he’s the type that would care more about your personality, and how you act. So you should just tell him.

Answer #5

I have the same issue with my friends. I am what you would call”one of the guys” I have more guy buds that girl buds which is a tad weird 4 me but true…and I wouldn’t say im HOT or anything but im not UGLY. so I guess they all like me and I like em back. But im incredibly shy so I don’t know what to do ether, best advice I can give you is to just tell him how you feel. TRUST ME IT WORKS!

Answer #6

I have the same problem as you…I told him but in a wierd way it went abit like this me:what would you do if I facied you? him:I dunno what would you want me to do? me: I dont know him: big help me: it would be needed him: yea me:…best you find some help

it was kinda awkward but he was ok he didnt realy tell me how he felt towards me but nothings changed whatso ever he hugs me and stops me and my other guy mates from play fighting by dragging me away and he even has ownage on me suddenly -apparently im his- so yea he isnt being helpfull much I think hes making it worse lolz but once you tell them it feels like a whole weight has been lifted

Answer #7

Girly girl said it best!!

Answer #8

I have the same problem, I’m not even joking. I was googleng about what I should do and found this. I wrote a letter to him a few weeks after summer started and nothing happened. I just give the advice as the same on top. Just lay back and see what happens

Answer #9

I lost my best friend over this. I fell for him and finally had enough guts to tell him I like him. when I tried he was back with his ex and never told us. he thought I was not happy for him and stopped talkin with me. so I cant help much here but just go for it lemme know how it went.

Answer #10

well you can try having a convo with him and then when your deep into the convo; you can just tell him how you feel and if it turns out that he doesn’t like you the same way; then atleast you’ll know and don’t let it ruin your relationship

Answer #11

Don’t worry, I am in just about the same boat as you…I am in love with my best friend and can’t find a way to tell him. I have been in love with him for the last seven years, but he is so clueless to behavioural patterns that he has no idea. I say tell the guy you like, thats what I plan to do. If you guys are friends and all you will sort it all out, no matter what… and just think, it would be a huge weight off your shoulders… No point fretting over a boy, thats something I am learning the hard way..

Hope all works out… :)

Answer #12

Im in the eact same position as you are. I like my best friend and I was always so flirty around him… I was so annoying. Well my friends all wanted me to tell him so I kept telling them I would but would keep on waiting and making excuses. Well one night all my friends called me and told me to tell him. So they called him and he picked up. I was so nervous that he was going to laugh or if this would ruin our friendship. Well then in a serious voice I said his name and everyone went quiet and he was like “what?” And I said “I like you” and he paused a little and was like “I already knew that” but he didnt tell me he liked me. Well we ended up talking for an hour and it was just me and him on the [hone and I felt so good that I did it. Even the next day it wasnt awkward. Well all that year I didnt ask him out and he didnt either and now (a year later) I found out that he was in LOVE with me. But eventually I died because nothing happened. But I bet if I would’ve asked him we would hve lasted a long time. So im pretty much saying that you should go for it. I will always regret that I didnt do it.

Answer #13



G00DLUCK! :]

Answer #14

There’s this boy I like and he’s really, really sweet. He is my best guy friend and I liked him since Gr 4. However, he used to like this girl called Karen and I’m not sure if he still does. He talked to me on Messenger every night during the school yr, but now in the summer he is rarely on. I miss him a lot and is considering telling him, but afraid that it would ruin our friendship. What should I do?

Answer #15

I have the same problem. the guy I like (who is also a good friend) asked me to prom, I went with him and it was all nice…now I am scared to lose that special thing that connected us as dates before the prom. I feel like he likes me but is scared to do say anything…one day ill bring up somethings about relationships and what type of girls he likes, give him some hints (or ask him some questions actually.. I could never go ahead and tell him I like him, hmm not that type of girl)

Answer #16

being completely honest I have the exact situation… I am 17 and mine is a billion times worst lol, for a start I have known this boy since actual birth… and our parents are really good mates so we’ve always been around each other. This may sound petty and stupid but I went out with him when I was young like YOUNG when I was around nine. And I’ve never stopped liking him since then… this is going to sound ridiculous but he is all I ever think about, and when im sitting in the same room as him I literally want to jump across and hug him… this has been eating away at me for as long as I can remember. It’s so unbelievbly crap I don’t want to like him but I do a lot more than I’ve liked anyone else ever. when I speak to him he’s always like “ yea your like a sister to me, if we did anything it would be like incest” and he is pretty protective of me. he’s threatned to fight with people who have been nasty to me and if any of his mates tell him they think im hot… he’ll say “dont even think about it” but I can’t tell whether it’s because he mabye likes me or whether it’s because they’re sleezes and would treat me like shit. you know what god knows all that I know is I actually love the boy and it kills me not telling him, and I just simply couldn’t cause I know it would ruin a life time relationship and to be honest I can’t risk losing him at all, I’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. This again is going to sound rather pathetic but… I probably cry over this boy more than I should.. everytime im drunk everytime I hear a sad song. Sorry to go on.. but the song I would say that remeinds me of him the most is ‘let’s play a love scene’ from the show ‘Fame’… try listening to it, you’ll get what I mean. I REALLY REALLY need help on this I would literally do anything for him… and he doesn’t have a clue… ANY suggestions would be much appreciated thank you :), please I am literally begging :D xxx

Answer #17

hi I have a similar situation friends with a realy nice guy who treats all girls with respect. we have kissed before and we hangout a lot and I stay at his and his other mates house all the time us 3 always hangout and we all sleep together in the lounge on matresses.most nights we cuddle or we are touching when we are asleep.then in the morning we act like nothing.we have never talked about what happend between us and we still act like good mates whenever we are around eachother.we tease eachother a lot and we know we enjoy eachothers company.we sometimes txt eachother if necessary.he aint easy to read or what he is thinking which confuses me a still unsure if he likes me or not because ino he will date other girls if there were any available that is his type around.he doesnt try to talk to me about a relationship with him but sometimes can be interested in my past relationships.I really like him but I dont want to reuin our friendship incase he doesnt fell the same way.I feel like we only hangout or do the things we do because there isnt anyone else around and we are both single…can anyone help me?

Answer #18

Trust Me When You Tell A Guy How You Feel Sometimes They Start Too Feel The Same Way About You! I Have The Same Problem As You And Trust Me And Just Try Too Tell Him How You Feel… Tell Me What Happenes When You Tell Him How You Feel A.S.A.P.! Thankz

Answer #19


Answer #20

I’m in the same situation! Except that I’ll never see him again, because I’m transfering schools and we live far apart…I hate my life…

Answer #21

well I think you should tell him you like him for sure I met this guy and we were in like 6th grade and I was like in love with him but when your in sixth grade nothing goes that far so he asked me out but we were more like best friends the whole time that held hands. we went outt for a year and sa half and I absolutly owas so happy othen we broke up and I was sooo sad but hes my neighbor and we were still best friends like he is my one and only. I have went out with him about 3 times since then and inbetween the going out we are still the best friends like we always are and thats soo good to have someone like that cause I love him more than anything in the whole world now I have a new boyfriend and he just got out of a relationship im in 10th grade now and I feel so much for him I never want him out of my life and he is so supportive of my new boyfriend he can be jelous at times but never is mad at me or trys to mess things up I love him and I know for sure he loves me so I would tell you for sure try it if hes really your friend he will love you the same as always

Answer #22

I think the above comment is bull please don’t listen to that. The last relationship I started and I am still in started just like yours. Since ya’ll talk on the phone alot bring up a conversation about relationships. Ask who he likes and if he ever has liked somebody but not been able to tell that person. Ask him what do you think it would be like if we were togeather. He likes you I know that much. But once you get it you tend to loose interest. If this friend thing is working then don’t try to make it more. Another way is if ya’ll chill alot togeather. Maybe whatching a movie at your/his house. Lay your head down on his lap or be more touchy feely and then that night on the phone start the conversation of what would it be like if we talked. please tell me how this turns out ASAP.

Answer #23

hmm difficult one… look the eaiest way to know if a male/female in your case its a guy is that he’ll try seeing if you like him 2 lol so basicly if he stares at you constantly because hsi your firend it more difficult because well friends stare at each other a lot lol but I mean constantly. if he gets a little closer then he used to like say your sitting down he’ll just swoop right near you basicly toughing you or maybe is. to test if you like it meaning you can do this too if he pulls away a bit then he doesnt feel comfortable when your that3close your firiends a bit hard to tell with this method 2. does he complement u? I mean a lot anything that suggest that he lieks you means he does any dout then maybe, maybe not. but how to tell him? In most cases the best way is the direct way just go right up to his face look for any thing to suggest he lieks you back if you think it not gonna go the way you liek just bring up somethign else at the last moment like the winning football team or something. hope it works out your man Darien fun mail me the results

Answer #24

U shouldnt write a letter actualy. you should creat an account and send to him from ther so that he wont know who you r. you could find out stuff from him and if he asks you in school who it is just say I dunno? And then when you think he’s sorta attracted to you then take your shot! Send him an email from your account :D or tell him strsight in his face. Either one. But get it over with.

Gud luck!

Answer #25

I just asked mine, he was totally fine with me liking him even though he doesn’t feel the same way. I got to give him a confidence burst and we hangout all the time.

Answer #26

heyy =]] . well - yeah .. I like ma bestie too. hes sooo sweet and nice. I think he likes me too. thats what ma bestfriendz and other frendz tell me. I really dont knoe what to do or think. I dont knoe if I should ask him or not. like -what happens if he doesnt like me and our friendship is gonna ruin? or maybe he does but I don’t know? and then like he talks to madd gurls but he told me they onlii his frendz so I don’t know. like when he was going out with sum girl he had me on his page and then they broke up and I was still on iht and I was his top 1. madd gurlz were asking me if we was going out and stuffs like that and I told him and he just like omg thats soo crazy and crap. so now all dhe times he goes to dhe park he calls me to go with him and he always calling me and stuffs and all dhe times we on dhe phone and before we hang up he tells me he lubbs me and blows me a kiss but I dont knoe if he means as a friend or more than that. or if he even mean iht! so yeah . I don’t know . should I let him knoe that im falling fer him or not? or should I let things werk by themselves? please help me !!

Answer #27

after reading these comments everyone tells you to tell him how you feel. I need ways to tell him. I know I need to tell him! :) His sister and two besties told me he liked me behind his back… but im scared to tell him that I like him because I dont know if hes let go of his feeligns for me!

so I need ways to find otu if he still likes me and how to tell him about my feeligns for him. any ideas?

Answer #28

I have the same problem! My best friend is a guy and I was the first real friend he had had. I’m known him for 6 years now and we go out all the time. I recently told him how I feel and he said he liked me too, but I don’t know what he meant. He’s really shy and I don’t know if he would ever ask me out. I want to ask him, but I’m scared of rejection. All I can say is tell him the truth. It’s his fault if he can’t take it

Answer #29

being completely honest I have the exact situation… I am 17 and mine is a billion times worst lol, for a start I have known this boy since actual birth… and our parents are really good mates so we’ve always been around each other. This may sound petty and stupid but I went out with him when I was young like YOUNG when I was around nine. And I’ve never stopped liking him since then… this is going to sound ridiculous but he is all I ever think about, and when im sitting in the same room as him I literally want to jump across and hug him… this has been eating away at me for as long as I can remember. It’s so unbelievbly crap I don’t want to like him but I do a lot more than I’ve liked anyone else ever. when I speak to him he’s always like “ yea your like a sister to me, if we did anything it would be like incest” and he is pretty protective of me. he’s threatned to fight with people who have been nasty to me and if any of his mates tell him they think im hot… he’ll say “dont even think about it” but I can’t tell whether it’s because he mabye likes me or whether it’s because they’re sleezes and would treat me like shit. you know what god knows all that I know is I actually love the boy and it kills me not telling him, and I just simply couldn’t cause I know it would ruin a life time relationship and to be honest I can’t risk losing him at all, I’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. This again is going to sound rather pathetic but… I probably cry over this boy more than I should.. everytime im drunk everytime I hear a sad song. Sorry to go on.. but the song I would say that remeinds me of him the most is ‘let’s play a love scene’ from the show ‘Fame’… try listening to it, you’ll get what I mean. I REALLY REALLY need help on this I would literally do anything for him… and he doesn’t have a clue… ANY suggestions would be much appreciated thank you :) x

Answer #30

being completely honest I have the exact situation… I am 17 and mine is a billion times worst lol, for a start I have known this boy since actual birth… and our parents are really good mates so we’ve always been around each other. This may sound petty and stupid but I went out with him when I was young like YOUNG when I was around nine. And I’ve never stopped liking him since then… this is going to sound ridiculous but he is all I ever think about, and when im sitting in the same room as him I literally want to jump across and hug him… this has been eating away at me for as long as I can remember. It’s so unbelievbly crap I don’t want to like him but I do a lot more than I’ve liked anyone else ever. when I speak to him he’s always like “ yea your like a sister to me, if we did anything it would be like incest” and he is pretty protective of me. he’s threatned to fight with people who have been nasty to me and if any of his mates tell him they think im hot… he’ll say “dont even think about it” but I can’t tell whether it’s because he mabye likes me or whether it’s because they’re sleezes and would treat me like shit. you know what god knows all that I know is I actually love the boy and it kills me not telling him, and I just simply couldn’t cause I know it would ruin a life time relationship and to be honest I can’t risk losing him at all, I’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. This again is going to sound rather pathetic but… I probably cry over this boy more than I should.. everytime im drunk everytime I hear a sad song. Sorry to go on.. but the song I would say that remeinds me of him the most is ‘let’s play a love scene’ from the show ‘Fame’… try listening to it, you’ll get what I mean. I REALLY REALLY need help on this I would literally do anything for him… and he doesn’t have a clue… ANY suggestions would be much appreciated thank you :) x

Answer #31

Totally!! trust me.Hang with him more often. If he likes you he will either play it off by trying not to sit next to you by making fun. Or not pushing you off. Boy’s tend to look at you diffrently. observe the way he treats his friends to make sure your not in that category. Oh yeah they want to make you laugh. dont look stupid then he will have second thoughts. Not to mention he will also make it obvious but not supper obvious because he may think then what if she dosent like me. no pride or over confidence. remain a mystery but not a puzzel.look hot. not showing to much then he will think your 4sell and is a bit of a ho. and all he will look at is your assets and move on without thinking of you ever agin until the next time you show skin. Trust me it DOES NOT WORK!be frienly smile say hi first then he gonna be thinkin “I think she’s diggn me back”! No loud mouth ,cursing, or over confidence and pride. Bigg turn OFF!become a friend to him where he tells you things he wouldnt tell his guy friends. Remeber be a lady. we have all been told that no follow it!!for more advice

Answer #32

well theres this new guy at school. we have the same things in commmon and hes going through a patch because he moved from the same country where I came from 6 years ago. so he is still trying to settle in and stuff. but I feel connected to him, like when im with him he is the only thing that matters. so I have only known him 4 weeks basically since he moved, and I really like him, so I decided to ask him to the movies with some friends, my friend is going with the guy she likes and im going with him aswell as 3 people tagging along. I want to work up the courage to say I like him and I want to spend moretime with him or if he feels the same way. the thing is he is new to school and a lot of the girls like him, so theres a bit of competition. Next year im moving schools so im scared moving might ruin our relationship as friends, but I really like him and I want to tell him, but is it too soon? I think if he knew he would or might feel the same way if he knew? I have tried reading his body language and looking how he reacts but its hard to tell because his new and settling in and pretty much hangs with everyone. when he plays footy I go to him and talk and he always passes the ball to me. is this a sign? yeah and we always talk then. but I need help.

Answer #33

yeah the same thing hapened 2 me but my story is shorter lol ok like me && my best friend (a girl) went 2 hang out wit her bf && then like my best guy friend came && like we were standin outside && i wuz shiviring && he wuz cold 2 && hes like ill warm u up so he wuz like standin next 2 me (so were like touching) then like we were talkin (my best friend && her bf were over doin something idk what) && he said dat he wuz gonna dump his gf && i wuz like y && he wuz like cause shes more of a friend 2 me now && i wuz lik oh then like we were standin next 2 each other talkin bout other stuff then i wuz like im cold so he huged me then the other peepz came back && were like i saw u 2 hug && we were like so what then he had 2 go so he ave me a hug good bye but then he came back && we were talkin again then me && my best friend had 2 leave but as we were walkin home my friend wuz like sh*t i 4got my phone o i went bac 2 get it 4 her then her bf gave it 2 her then her bf asked me out 4 my best guy friend && i said yes cause i like him so my advice 2 u is dont write him a letter just kinnda flirt wit him if he likes u hell ask u out or if hes shy have 1 of his friends find out if he likes u then if he does ask him out but if u 2 r good friends sometimes its nice 2 keep it at dat…hope this helps && if it doesnt sorry…:)

Answer #34

There should be a website specifically for girls and guys who have crushes on their best friends to talk about their experiences and get advice… if anyone ever finds anything, post it here!

Answer #35

I have liked this boy since sixth grade and last year we talked a lot and I really like him but I dont know if he likes me. On the last day of school some of my other friends teased us about liking each other but he denied it and I didnt want to embarres him so I denied it and im shy so I didnt want to tell him. then after the trek we did, we danced and some of the other girls would give hints like “I know someone who likes you.” But im still not positive if he likes me or if im just a friend. So far im just waiting to see how it all works out.

Answer #36

ummm I think that since you like him you should tell him your feelings and see how it goes ask him if he feels the same way a way you can tell him is go to the movies with him and some of your best friends and when the movie is over ask him and tell him you dony want to say it in the begging of the movie cause you dont want to scare him ok? funmail me with the news hope it goes well :)

Answer #37

im basically gonig through the same thing as you. I’ve been pretty good friends with this guy for over a year now. I met him through my exboyfriend, I’ve always kindof had a thing for him. latley we have been talknig a lot more and building up the friendship that we had all over again, it seems like he likes me. and turns out he does like me. he told me that he likes me, and I told him I felt that same way (: so now im just waiting to see if anything comes out of this!

Answer #38

Yea, Everyones saying this, but I have this problem too XD

I’ve known my best guy friend since pre school - now were at the end of year 11 and I’ve only just realised I actually like him as more than a friend, I’ve asked a few best mates for their opinion and they think that he likes me too and I should go for it.

So, my plan is to ask him out with me and some of our mates so it doesnt seem to obvious over the summer as usual, and then mabye make it just us two, and eventually ask him out before the end of the summer, im not sure how im going to do it yet though =/ Im tempted to do it by email or something, but I dont want to as I know its WAY better to do it directly as you know your DEIFNANTLY going to get an answer out of them, and it makes you seem more confident.

So yea, any ideas on a good way to actually ASK him directly to his face and bring up the subject, PLEASE tell me! lmao

Answer #39

I have the same problem. the guy I like (who is also a good friend) asked me to prom, I went with him and it was all nice…now I am scared to lose that special thing that connected us as dates before the prom. I feel like he likes me but is scared to do say anything…one day ill bring up somethings about relationships and what type of girls he likes, give him some hints (or ask him some questions actually.. I could never go ahead and tell him I like him, hmm not that type of girl)

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