Do you think mcain is afraid of the debate?

Do you think mc cain is afraid of the debate,I mean why is he delaying the debate.

Answer #1

What a bunch of crap. This was completely staged.

phrannie and/or amblessed, please tell me what input McCain had on the results of this bail-out bill? Yes, he was in DC, but what did he actually do? Did he personally work on the legislation? Is he on the banking committee? Did his presence have any effect on the outcome at all?

He created this entire emergency out of whole cloth, at least his part in it. Yes, there is an economic crisis going on, but there is also a pretty important election only 5 weeks away. I would say that that is pretty critical also, and deserves just as much attention, particulary from the candidates themselves.

I think this was an attempt to duck out of the debate, and once they were close to an agreement yesterday, McCain realized that McCain would have to debate if it was settled, so some in the GOP stood up and said, “oh no no no, we don’t agree, this is not settled”.

It obviously didn’t work, since McCain has been shamed into showing up. We will see how well he does.

And people have the balls to imply that Obama is only interested in “his own advancement interests”.

Answer #2

It’s a ploy.

McCain is no more qualified to solve the economic problems of this country than you or I. The people who are qualified are economists who have been studying economics their entire lives.

Answer #3

And it took McCain 22 hours to “RUSH” back to D.C. to help out. lol.

Answer #4

uh no like thedude said, he just conerned about the wall street crisis. . . . . .

Answer #5

Who cares what mcain is afraid of we all know Obama is going to win. YEAH GO OBAMA!!!

Answer #6

“phrannie and/or amblessed, please tell me what input McCain had on the results of this bail-out bill?”

Reread what I said…

The question was…is he SCARED…I said NO…There was nothing said about what he might have done there…and frankly, I don’t believe his motives were as “altruistic” as some would have us to believe…

But I still don’t think he was CHICKEN-SH**

Sometimes, keeping it simple, and just answering the question would be helpful.


Answer #7

He did bail out of debating in 2000 in California with (then Governer) Bush…however, I think his concern for the moment was the Wall Street crisis.

If he could pull off the hamstringing of the bail out, eg, make sure those crooked companies go out of business and instead, focus on something that bails out the American people, NOT corrupt big business, then I’d vote for him as it takes a lot of courage to go against all the entrenched democrats & republicans that want to simply hand over billions to the wealthy.

So, personally, I think he was focusing on that issue, as it’s a huge, major crisis, and the government (seemingly) is about to make the mistake much worse. Perhaps McCain can help stop the madness, which is why he wanted to postpone the debate.

Answer #8

Appears he immediately responded to a national economic crisis and headed to Washington - his job as a Congressional representative is to look after the American people’s interests, not his own advancement interests - Obama advised ‘they’ll call me if they need me’ - they called, then he went.

Answer #9

Nooo…he’s focusing on the economic crisis…(not saying that his motives are as altruistic as he wants us to think)…but fear of a debate, doesn’t really suit him, considering all he’s already seen and been through in his life…What’s a frigging debate, when you faced and made it through daily torture??

Dude, as emotionally satisfying as it would be, to let them fail…you’re not talking about just those banks…you’re talking the WHOLE economy.


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