do you have a hero

do you have a hero or someone that you look up to?

Answer #1

My best best best best friend I can tell her anything.

Answer #2

Well, I have many many people in my life I look up too. One is our Lord and savior even though I’ve done some wrong things but, he still loves me. Second, My closest friend whoes like grandma to me. She’s been there for me in troubling, and good times. Then I have one of my church leaders to whom I look up to for spiritual guidance, and counsel. Him and his wife are sweet people. There are others in my life but, I won’t mention all of them here in this answer. The people above are wonderful and mean allot to me.

Answer #3

my father

Answer #4

yes I have 2 heroes, one is my dad, bein a preacher, he (as well as the family) has been through a lot and has been through a lot of pain and hurt, but yet, he has kept going and hasn let it get him out or down. he has taught (and still does) me the right way and has always took care of me. theres so much more but I cant get it down 2nd is God, he has saved me and has forgave me even tho’ I have failed him many times. he has took care of me and has always supplied my needs. been there to comfort me and has answered prayers.

Answer #5

No. All my heroes have found ways to fail me - but they’re only human. So I just look for good characteristics in people and try to emulate them.

Answer #6

my mom and my older sister

Answer #7

nope…just me

Answer #8

my daddy

Answer #9

NO oNe actually… :’-(

Answer #10

my best, friend, he always can find the possitives in life when it gets us down.

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