Do you belive in black magic?

Do you belive in black magic?

Answer #1

Magic: an illusory feat.

Answer #2

What exaclty is the difference between magic and miracles? I see none, since niether exist.

Answer #3

Ok first things first. I’m not some wierdo!! But seriously I do believe in Black magic. My nationality is indian but I was born in Australia. When my mum went back to india she swears she saw things that weren’t scientifically possible. Exorcisms etc.

Answer #4

Not all magick is magick and no magick of man is of God. . , , I use to be wiccan but now I find all magick Black. . . . And it is spelt MAGICK. . . thanks to Aleister Crowley

Magic ( Slid of hand.)

Answer #5

If you are a Christian you’ll believe the word of God, the Bible. Jesus tells us that any kind (even white magic) of witch craft is not of God.

Answer #6

ture majick is black nor white, it’s about how someone is, for instance if someone is a good person and uses majick for good it is reffered to as white majick and if someone uses majick for evil or bad purposes people call is black majick.

Answer #7

I dont see much diffrentce between a spell and prayer. ecpecillay when jesus said when you pray do not pray like the hipocrates. pray he lords prayer for God knows whats in your heart. a rpeerticious chant. sounds like a spell. there are a few minor diffrences but it sounds like they may have come from the same place
I’m a wiccan that believes in God and well as the Goddess. Spells are for me Prayer in motion.

the diffrence between Magic and a miracle depends on how you look at it. I a way your right jimahl. I wold guess that if you use magic you expect some kind of result. Miracle is usally unexpected.

Answer #8

I agree with Redhays. All black magic is is magic used with the intent of harm. Where as White Magic is magic used with the intent of a good and contrabutable outcome. However its up to the caster as to wich way the magic will be used. The energy that is changed and/or manipulated its self is nutural. becaues of the very nature of magic. white Magic is energy that is changed and/or manipulated that is congrueent with the natural flow, where as black magic is energy that is changed and/or manipulated that is not congreuent with thw natural flow.

You may also notice that RH and I spell magic/majick in diffrent ways. Origionaly this is to seperate majick as in casting spells and so forth and magic and slight of hand and stage magic. For my poupose though I spell it magic as in casting.

Answer #9

I most certianly believe in black magic, way to much weird and horrifing stuff happens to not believe in it…

Answer #10

I do, but I’m with the other two.

Answer #11

nope, we have just created these ideas to entertain ourselves

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