What is the difference between a Poltergeist and a Ghost?

Answer #1

A broadly held mistaken belief regarding poltergeists is that the terms poltergeist and ghost are the same. Though there is various resemblances between the two, there are numerous characteristics that set them apart. For instance, poltergeist activity is known as an “annoyance,” whereas ghost like activity (fog, mist, transparent figures, etc.) is known as a “haunting.” The reason for this difference in vocabulary is because poltergeists are heard but not seen, whereas ghosts are seen but rarely heard.

Answer #2

A ghost is like the spirit of a person, whereaas a Poltergeist is a mean, nasty spirit. Poltergeists cause mischeif and disturbances.

Answer #3

well heres what i think a poltergeist is a spirit that makes a lot of noise, or that is something that wants to make you feel scared by doing so– so a poltergeist make a lot of noise

a ghost can take various forms, mist… fog.. that sort of thing and they can manifest and i think can make sounds to but usually the sounds are very faint, unlike the poltergeist that tend to be very loud.

i dont know if you got that or not but yeah. hope i helped

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