Did the judge overstep her bounds ?

A Canadian judge ruled that a 12-year-old girl was “excessively” punished when her father told her she could not go on a school camping trip because she had broken family-rules for use of the Internet - Did the judge overstep her bounds ?

The Globe and Mail newspaper

Answer #1

I know dani! Its called LIFE That judge must have never been punished as a child… and I also want to know how this got to a judge. I will research it.

Answer #2

Research it - it’s true.

Answer #3

Oh Yuah!! I think that the judge oversteped her boundaries. She shouldn’t have done that to that young girl. I don’t know what the laws are in Cannada but, this girl should have rights to go anywhere she chooses or be on the internet. It seems like things over there have gotten out of hand.

Answer #4

I agree with kmom25. if she broke the rules then she should be grounded. how did this case make to a judge anyway? that’s not excessively punished…it’s life

Answer #5

Is that what the case was? Is there anymore background? I find it hard to believe that a father-daughter squabble over the Internet got to a judge…

Answer #6

yea’ she did, thats just stupid, I agree, obviously she doesn know how to punish a kid, the kid shouldve done what her father said, and then she could have went…the judge overstepped, the girl is probably cryin her heart out b/c she cant go, well, do what ya parents say, you’ll get to do stuff, little girl…I agree with dani and the others its LIFE, get use to it, and yea how did it make it to court, probably because the girl is a brat and she made up lies to get there…imo

Answer #7

I looked it up and it seems that there was also a fight with her mother (stepmother?). The girl sought out the attorney to file and it went to trial. The judge should have thrown it out. But no, everyone felt sorry for the girl. This is like many cases where a judge makes a ruling that makes no sense. Like a case in I think Florida, where a young man, 20-21 hit an elderly man during a fight. He was ordered to write an essay about fighting. Good punishment. lol.

Answer #8

If that is all he did was ground her or keep her from going on a trip then yes I think the judge overstepped her bounds. In fact that is a stupid a*s thing to do. Kids need rules, restrictions and punishment when breaking rules.

Answer #9

I cant find the full article any, only websites I keep running into are religious ones…

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