How can a depressed person be truly happy again?

Answer #1

Yes they can, I went through a rough patch a while ago but with help from friends and a caring gf I was able to get back to a better sense of well being. Hard road to travel but it can be done :)

Answer #2

True depression is considered a mental illness and generally therapy and medications are needed in order to help the person.

A person who is just down and “depressed” lately can usually has to find their own inner peace whether its from something artistic like painting, writing, drawing, etc., tallking to someone who listens and understands, venting their emotions physically (a punching bag, karate, etc) or finding their inner peace through yoga, tai chi, religion, meditation, etc.

Answer #3

Great answer mandyloo :)

Answer #4

Hey, I know depression hurts, but happiness is a choice! I’m not gonna tell you to think happy thoughts or anything, but it helps! Stop telling yourself you’re depressed, and think about all the goods things in your life. There has to be SOMETHING! A friend, a specil someone, a moment alone, anything that brings you that little happines.

Answer #5

For me, it’s being with the right person. Yes, with time I learn to shrug the depression to get on with my day but being with someone I love like my ex…It made things lovely. And I was very happy. You just have to find someone or something you love.

Answer #6

Yes with the right treatment, support and a healthy lifestyle, all which is extremely difficult to get right. I have a friend with bipolar depression who follows these rules and is extremely stable and content with her life at the moment.

Answer #7

Please read about depression and try understand the difference between depression and being depressed. One is a lifelong ilness and the other a temporary occurence due to a state of mind. People can’t choose whether or not to suffer from depression.

Answer #8

I’m diagnosed with depression. I try all those things and they work for about a month and the I sink further than I was. And thanks everyone(:

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