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Am I depressed?
For almost 2 years now I’ve been really down but then really high. One minute I’ll lie on the ground crying then the next I’ll go to a party and get high. I don’t know whats wrong with me but I’m turning bad. My mum physically abuses me and threatens me when she gets mad but I cant do anything because she can send me to my dads house to live and I don’t want to live with him because he has a mean wife and I’d have to change schools and move away from my friends. I fell really ugly and worthless and my sister and mum constantly tell me im a failure because my grades have been bad for quite some time. I can’t talk to anyone and it’s not just about her. Im developing and I fell abnormal and ugly and I got to one of the most expensive schools in Australia and my mum says she’ll pull me out. I don’t know what to do or whats wrong will me but I no I need help because I’ve cut myself 4 times and want to die…Please help???
I’m usually depressed. If any1 goes through depression it’s me. My mom hates me, says I’m a mistake, killed my dog, and treats me like a house slave and sh*t. I’ve lost my grandma, my aunt and my puppy. One of my friends comitted suice and the others have tried but they all get cought before they die.U should try 2 do what I do, now im a loner so I wont get depressed, so far it doesnt work but it might.
-Kill Da Prepps!!!
I used to be like you but I’ve gotten slightly better
wow you sound exactly like me. it’s crazy. I know what your going through. like I’m all the time depressed and think I’m ugly and sht. and its weird cause I’ll get high to make my problems go away and it works. I get high like every day now, and I’ve gotten bad in drugs and my parents are going through this court thing with me and it’s scary cause I might have to go live with another family and I dont want to cause I know my mom does the best she can. so yeahh I know what your going through. message me or something and I’ll try to talk to you or something.
I wouldn’t say you are depressed its possible that you are bi-polar. my sister was the same way, she would be really happy and then she would cry for no reason. The doctor told us that she is bi-polar. The doctor told us that she would have mood swings, and bi-polar people cut their selfs and think about suicide. Another way you can tell is that one day you wont be hungry at all and then the next day you just eat eat and eat. Its a genetic disorder, you should go to the doctor to check. This doesn’t mean you are mentally challenged just so you know.
yeah I’d say bi-polar
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