How do keep yourself from crying because you don't want to embarass yourself but you cant help it?

Answer #1

walk away & get some air……leave to another room…have a friend blow ur eyes so stop you from crying. <— works like a charm, been there & done that!

Answer #2

dont stop your self from cryin an dnt be embarssed because everyone crys! aan plus its very healthy to cry. if your scared bout people lookin judgin you than thats not good cause they cry too

Answer #3

I tighten my teeth together. not like grinding but i bite down hard and make my face stiff and blank out. im one of those people who gets teary when frustrated so this helps me a lot

Answer #4

THANKS! its not like im over emotional but i jst wanna know what 2 do because when i do cry its sooooo embarassing.

Answer #5


Answer #6

It’s very hard to keep emotions inside, im in a situation where i need to keep what i really feel inside, the best thing to do would be to either go in another room or go to the bathroom and splash water on your face

Answer #7

no problem everyone thinks its embarassing but it feels so goood to cry aftwards your like idc if they seen you cry you can always walk away breath slowly count to 10 think happinbess

Answer #8

Awe, dont be sad…no one said you were over emotional, nothing wrong with being over emotional although it can be a bit uncomfee at times..(take it from one that knows…i am so damn emotional) but hey, we are only human so dont sweat it suga! up days down days we all have em…that just means ur normal…woo hoo!!! hi five! ♥ Just take a few breathes, calm yourself down maybe even some encouraging sentences like I can do this…I am fine…everything’s going to be alright! A few more breathes & all better! :)

Hope it works out for ya.

Answer #9

deep breaths always helps. and i found that looking up at the ceiling helps a lot to. i do it everytime i feel like i need to cry. it works, trusttttt me. :)

Answer #10

never be embarrassed to show emotion.. its human nature and we all do it :)

Answer #11

I do, too much…but I def know what she means feeling embarrassed sometimes. (especially if you are with a bunch of people & it happens when you just break down & start crying…kinda puts ya on the spot and ya face turns all red while your head feeling like its about to blast off…u know like in the cartoons…) So ya, i know what flower girl means…but ya have us Funadvice friends & family here for ya…so chin up and grab a hankie :) ♥

Answer #12

Find something funny or something to keep you occupied

Answer #13

Think of a 60 yr old man flossing his teeth with cable wires while squatting naked and taking a dump

Answer #14

gross but funny! ill remember that lol

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