How old do I have to be to create a PayPal account?

Answer #1

You have to be at least 18.

Answer #2

18, I believe.

Answer #3

You need to have a bank account, have money and a credit card so 18

Answer #4

is there no way i can purchase items online without being 18? im 16 and have a debit card

Answer #5

You don’t actually need to have a bank account or credit card; you only need that if you want to be a ‘verified’ paypal user. You can still use paypal without being verified, though. I do it all the time, and none of my bank accounts are linked to it. I also do not have a credit card.

Answer #6

According to the terms and condition of Paypal account you need to be 18 years old. But you won’t need an credit card to open a paypal account , but you will need a credit card to verify the your account. But still without verifying it you can earn earn money from websites and spend them in different online store likes ebay etc. The only thing you will miss without acredit card is , you won’t be able to withdraw you money to your bank account

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