What to do with a coworker when she is ur relative?

SO ever sence i started where she is working she been asking time off. Been telling my dads side that she never gets a day off wen she gets ever fri and sat off. She is always being rude to the costumers one complained to be last night. What shud I do?

Answer #1

You could try speaking to her, it might help. Though how you describe her, I wonder if it might make it worse. Do you really like the job? Perhaps working in the same place as her is not a good idea. You could at least ask for different shifts than her so you don’t have to work with her. Good luck.

Answer #2

We do work different shirts its just she makes a big deal about it at family gatheings and she is almost 30 and she is my aunt by marriage. She took this sun off so i am working all weekend from 11pm-7am and she said its to take her kids out which she is goingpartying. Its just i dont mind the extra hours but she is 40 hours aweek and she wanted those many so she shud work them. Also she swears when there are customers so its just do i let it slide or talk to my manager?

Answer #3

Just because hse is related to you, she should not have advanages that the rest of the workers do. Best thing to do is to just treat her like any other worker, because if you treat her any special all you do is put your job in jepordy. If she does not like that then you can probobly start thinking about meaby talking to her that her job might be in danger if she does not stop this. Meaby try talking to someone that has a higher potision than you for help.

Answer #4

Talk to your manager, but tell your manager about the relation problem. Your manager will be able to deal with her, while keeping you out of it, so she won’t know that you are the one who said anything.

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