cover letter and resume

does anyone know if you can use a P.O. box address on a cover letter or job resume?

Answer #1

sure if you want them to think you have no place to live… use a physical address

Answer #2

Unless you are expecting them to mail you something, it’s best to use your house address.

Answer #3

Yes of course you can,it doesnt really matter as long as you put or place your true address their.

like this one below: From: Richard Brown,

16 Bellers street

London, UK

(451) 125-6985

Date: November 3, 2010.

To: Chris Veron

Manager, Unionbay Inc.

London, UK

Dear Mr. Veron,

I am writing this letter in order to ask for the leave from work for one week for Christmas holiday. I wish ask for the specific days since my family will be visiting me from December22 until December 28. I am writing you earlier in order to have more chances to get the positive answer. Please, note that this leave will not affect on my work since I will make assure that everything is in the order before I leave. My contact number will be at your disposal as well if you need something urgently.

I will really appreciate if you can give me this chance to meet my family since I haven’t seen them from last year. I would like to see you personally and discuss the details. I am always available for the additional questions in case you have them.

Thank you very much and hope for your soon answer.

Thanking in advance,

Sincerely Yours,

Richard Brown [link removed]

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