What does it mean when you cough up reddish-brown phlegm?

I been having a lot of back and chest pains for a week and a half when I breath as the pain is going away I been coughing a lot and letting out reddish brown flem …

Answer #1

Your overdue on your doctors appointment.

Answer #2

Sarcastic much ?

Answer #3

& no missy my doctors appointment is on Monday I still have 2 days lefft :)

Answer #4

could be bronchitis. Oh, and the name for that phlegm its “blood stained sputum”. you can probably see just from the name why its a bad thing.

Answer #5

i was going to say the same thing- it means go to the doctor- it could be a multitude of things from something fairly benign to something entirely bad. not going to scare you, just see your doctor and let him/her figure it out. not meaning to be sarcastic but helpful- i am an EMT and that is a symptom of a few possibilities.

Answer #6

It’s not sarcasim..it’s a reality of your best answer to your question.

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