Does it cost to have a paypal account?

Answer #1


Answer #2

No it doesn’t but you do get charges small fees when you receive money

Answer #3

No. However, when you receive money through your Paypal, it takes a very small service fee from it. It’s not much though. For example, once I received $190 through Paypal, but they took $5 out. If you receive a smaller amount than $190, the fee will be smaller…sometimes only cents.

Answer #4

no but paypal are arseholes and take a % of your money.

Answer #5

Nope, it doesn’t cost to set up an account. Sometimes it costs a little money when you receive a payment, but I’ve been using Paypal for years now and I’ve never had an issue. I do a lot of online purchases with it.

Answer #6

No its free to set up but once you start earning on things you’ve sold on ebay, you pay a fee to paypal depending on the ammount you’ve earnt.

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