How do I convince a family member to stop smoking?

Answer #1

Good luck Holly Ive tried getting my mom to stop but its not working :/ just let her make the decision herself

Answer #2

tell them how it is affecting them and what they will miss.but other than that you cant. Tabasco is very addictive and really hard to give up

Answer #3

Lol I think you mean tobacco. :)

Answer #4

You can show the family member all the things it does to you. Show pictures of rotting teeth, black lungs, hole in your throat. Images are difficult to rid of in your mind, maybe he or she will come round.

Answer #5

You can’t, I’m sorry but addictions are extremely hard to get away from. People go to specialists and take medications and go through hypnosis treatments and still don’t give up the addiction for good. Very few people have a strong enough will to stop. I was lucky, my mom was able to stop smoking… After 4 failed attempts. I locked myself in my room when I was younger and refused to go to school or talk to her until she quit, and she finally did. There was no convincing, I kinda threatened her haha. If the pictures of destroyed hearts, lungs, and livers aren’t enough to make them stop, there’s little a child can do… But theres no harm in trying, gl!

Answer #6

Tell that you love them and you want them to be healthy. Tell them how you feel when you see them smoking. If they have children, you can download and print the risk of smoke on passive smokers, specially children. Hope they will think to reduce and then stop smoking.

Answer #7

Just do anything & everything you can to try help them. Don’t try & force them it won’t work, it will make the situation worse & they will smoke more thinking your putting them under stress. My dad, who is now 51 has been smoking since he was 7 & has done loads and I mean loads to try and stop smoking but it is literally impossible with his life being rough and extremely stressful. I tried for about 4 years, about a year ago to try getting him to stop because I knew it was affecting me & my family. We bought him patches for his arms, tablets, fake cigarets, gum.. Everything but we couldn’t get anything to work, yeah some helped a little but it was too hard.. When it started to really upset me because I know the effects of the damage it can cause, I started throwing away all is cigarets, shredding them, binning them, anything I could do to make sure he didn’t smoke any.. When he wasn’t looking I would take his money before he went the shop because I knew he was going to buy them.. But it the end, I couldn’t stop him and I knew I had to give in and he is most definitely addicted to them, but I can understand now why has takes them & the amount of stress I put him under.. He has cut down because my whole family is supporting him trying to cut him down more every so often, which he is doing. He still wears the patches, chews the gum & will smoke a little less.. I know he will never be able to stop completely but if I’m honest, I don’t mind anymore.. It makes his life easier! What I’m trying to say in a way is, make sure that you are there for them, to help them & make sure that they cut down every so often, that’s if they want too of course.. If they want to smoke and don’t want to quit then there is nothing really you can do.. Just be a good person and help them when they are stressed rather than let them smoke to calm them down! I hope this helps & good luck :-)

Answer #8

What I do is recite lines from those smoking ads, and they tell me to “stop” but I keep going. Or I tell them that “one day you’re gonna be on one of those ads” they put the cigarettes out.

Answer #9

haha oppsie yea

Answer #10

Ciggerates: im trying to get my mom to quit. But when something sets her off or stresses her nerves she needs a ciggerate, so I know they are very addicting. Maybe convince them. Get a fam member to buy you honey marshmellow fake ciggerates and if it effects them watching you smoke. Tell them like wise.

Answer #11

the unfortunate thing is that smoking is a severe addiction. only the person can muster up the willpower to do it. you can preach and beg all you want but what you can do is be pro-active. you can take the initiative and learn about stop smoking aids. there are patches, medications, smokeless cigarrettes, support groups, hypnosis.. something or a combination of things will work. keep harping, but in a very positive way. don’t use guilt or scare tactics, those just make a smoker want to smoke. it’s not a “habit”, by any means. it’s a real addiction.

Answer #12

sorry you cant, I am a smoker and I already know it is bad…but I still smoke. I try to quit, the best way would probably be reverse psychology. By encouraging he/she to keep on smoking until he/or she realize. thats my true thoughts…

Answer #13

Maybe best to voice your concern by asking them, if possible, cut down…..

Answer #14

can’t, Ive tried.

Answer #15

get lung cancer from second hand smoke

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