Is it more likely for a condom to break if it's you first time?

Answer #1

no but u should learn how to put 1 on properly

Answer #2

It can break any time you use one, but like historyfrk said, be very careful, use two if you want to be more careful

Answer #3

nope, but of ur more tense it will put a lil more pressure on the genetil and condom but wont snap just because its your first time

Answer #4

Uhm, no? Dont use two. What the f*ck?

Answer #5

A condom can break anytime…the only reason it may break more often with people who are new to sex, is if they did not use it properly.

Answer #6

Using two is not a good idea. That is a good way to get pregnant.

Answer #7

No. There’s just as much of a chance that it’ll break your first time as there is if it were you hundreth time.

Answer #8

You might as well not use one at all.

Answer #9

Using two condoms can actually increase the friction between the condoms during sex which makes them more likely to rip or tear.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Historyfrk or whoever needs to re-take sex ed.

Answer #12

No it is could break thats why i believe it is smart to be on the pill..

Answer #13

no the chance of a condom breaking depends more on fit and age make sure that the guy knows what size he needs. I didn’t know I needed magnums until I tried them because of that I had a condom break on me my first time and had a pregnancy scare. so just make sure it is a new condom and that it fits right and you should be fine. you can also buy nonlubricated and buy spermicidle lubricant or buy condoms with spermicidle lubricant this will help to decrese the chance of pregnancy if the condom breaks. Best Wishes, Will

Answer #14

no. mine did not break my first time. it also depends on the guy. if he is good with regulars or if he needs magnum. just be sure to check to make sure its not broken as your going and also if you dont wanna get pregnant and it did break pull it out fast.

Answer #15

condom breaks mainly for 2 reasons…lack of lubrication or air insde it….while wearing condom make sure squueze the air bubble off…..using an extra lubricant is useful….

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