What can my friend and I do in the country with no money?

what should i do if i am completely broke, i live in the country side , my friend is coming round to day and i dont no what to do with her what can i do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

Answer #1

well you can always just go for a walk when I lived in the country me and my friends would just walk or bike the back roads, fields and the woods. it’s relaxing and a great photo op

Answer #2

Go explore or camp out. I live in the country and that’s what me and my mates do

Answer #3

I live in the country and if you have a barn loft or a lot of hay bails, hangout there lol me and my friends always go buy some candy and energy drinks at the little corner store And than just go to the hay bails or loft and hang out/talk/play truth or dare and other games/climb the barns,brush the ponies,sometimes we play hide and seek with my little brothers hahah and we go for walks in the woods and go atving/dirtbikeing And we would make up music :) cause we made a band lol =D Hope these ideas helped!!!!

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