How do you get over a cold if no medicine us helping?

Answer #1

Theres no “cure” for a cold, you just have to let it run its coarse. In the meantime get plenty of fluids, make sure your eating, and if you havent tried it…sudafed always works for me.

Answer #2

Well that depends on what exactly the problem is. The common cold is caused by viruses. There’s no medication that can cure it. You just rest, take care of yourself, deal with the symptoms. And it should get better on its own. If it is getting worse or not getting better with time, you want to go get checked out. Because if it is a bacterial infection (i.e. not the common cold), or you end up getting a bacterial infection because your body was weak or whatever, then just resting isnt going to fix it. You need antibiotics. So go see the doctor.

Answer #3

You can’t cure a cold at all, you can only manage the symptoms with medicine. Stay hydrated, get enough sleep and get something for a runny nouse and sinuses such as Advil CS or Sudafed like mandyloo said, they work and don’t make you feel as sleepy and groggy as other medicine.

Answer #4

Agreed…I have been dealing with this cold for a week now…been on this med which is similar to Dayquil & NyQuil only no drowsiness or groggy feeling… It’s for the symptomatic relief of cold & nasal congestion accompanied by fever & pain…(which I have had all ) not to mention the worst dry cough (throat) ever…

my best advice is to drink plenty of water & hot tea with honey! try some chicken soup as well… if you have other symptoms…then it is def a virus & should be given anti b’s to fight it off!

good luck & hope you feel better soon! :)

Answer #5

Ahah its an old trick where you have chicken noodle suop and hot sauce (:

Answer #6

if you have a stuffed up nose try eating something hot like chili or a jalepeno

if your throat hurts try drinking tea with some honey in it. honey helps sooth the throat

Answer #7

If you have a sore throat or coughing a lot try what helped me; mix honey with lemon and heat it to the point u can drink it in the night before going to sleep is most helpful but make sure you don’t drink or eat anything cold afterwards. Or you can try the medicine that has helped me in the past which is XL-3 cold medicine.

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