Do you believe in coincidences or do you think that everything in our life is written before we are even born?

Answer #1

I believe some things are coincidences, but a lot of stuff was ment to happen, for a reason.

Answer #2

I believe we all have control of our own lives and that our futures are shaped by our own decisions and the decisions of those around us. Nothing is really destined to happen, in my opinion. Yeah, there are events out of our control, but that doesn’t mean they were planned in advance by someone or something in order to affect our lives in a certain way. They just happened, and I guess in certain situations it would be considered a coincidence. For example, a friend calls you and you find out that you are both at the same mall. That’s a coincidence. I don’t believe that our lives are already written out or anything like that.

Answer #3

I believe our lives follow a plan and purpose by God… for a reason..that plan not evident to us always and we are given the freedom to seek HIS will for our own individual lives…..if we choose to seek it….or our own path….

Answer #4


Answer #5

everything in this world is a little bit of everything, its fate, predestination, life, karma…all wrapped up into one, i believe that you might have a sway in the cosmic balance of your life, that your given chances to go a thousand different paths there are so many probable possibilities that you can have control of. Things that you do affect it and you cant get your life back if you ruin it, you can try your best but your gunna die, and that is or is up to you…or god or whatever

Answer #6

I think that life is about moments and time periods really >.< Not EVERYTHING was meant to happen, but I think struggle is natures way of strengthening, so I think all bad experience happen for a reason :)

Answer #7

I absolutely do not believe in destiny.

Answer #8

i believe in turtles =P

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