clitoris hood piercing

Hi everyone! I decided to do that finally! Clitoris hood piercing ;> I just want to ask about how long is it going to heal…I’ve heard that about a week. Is thata true? Kinda fast :/ dunno just write if you have it done or have more experienced. thanks…

Answer #1

I just got mine done, and really don’t regret it. It was like a very sharp pinch. Then it was over. I have a vertical hood piercing with a 16 gauge captive ball ring in it, and it is healing very well. It takes about 2-3 weeks for it to heal and the only after care I really have for it is to wash it with antibacterial dial soap. Which, takes just a few minutes in the shower and then I’m done. It’s already really sensitive, and just a beautiful peircing in itself. HOpe that helps.

Answer #2

I got mine done 3 days ago the peircer numbed me and said clean with dial and sea salt spray I have had no pain a little itch becouse its healing other then that itys well worth it

Answer #3

I read it took 4 to 6 weeks to heal

Answer #4

my friend’s cousin got it done, she said it was one of the most painful experiences of her life during and the weeks following that she couldn’t even walk or sit down. she got it removed shortly after.

Answer #5

goood :> your choice. if someone can pierced a tongue, make a tatoo or keep a snake at home …the other can do something like this. End of story!

Answer #6

ok, serously? what the f*ck. yeah I wouldn’t know how long it takes to heal because I’m sane and I would never pierce my vag or any part of it!

Answer #7

I have mine done. And I do not regret mine either. I also have the vertical clit hood(vch) done. Mine is 14 gauge, and I have a banana bar in mine. To clean it I also use antibacterial soap and sea salt. Sea Salt keeps jewelry from getting gunky, and it cleanses it. It is tender for about 4 days.. but dont change jewelry for a few weeks. Hope you enjoy it, I enjoy…

Answer #8

I got mine done and it was well worth it. It was a sharp pinch for 2 seconds and then no pain after, just a little tender. I clean mine using warm water bath (no salt) and I put saline solution on a q-tip and clean under the hood and on top where the piercing is.

Answer #9

im gwtting mine done next week and I am startin to get really scared its gna hurt haha ohhh someone please put my mind at ease lol

Answer #10

I have mine done. And I do not regret mine either. I also have the vertical clit hood(vch) done. Mine is 14 gauge, and I have a banana bar in mine. To clean it I also use antibacterial soap and sea salt. Sea Salt keeps jewelry from getting gunky, and it cleanses it. It is tender for about 4 days.. but dont change jewelry for a few weeks. Hope you enjoy it, I enjoy…

Answer #11

I got mine pierced 2 weeks ago and its fully healed and looks and feels amazing. I was it with antibacterial soap and sea salt and spray bactine on it. did hurt when I got it done but the 20 seconds of pain is SOOO worth it!

Answer #12

Ok…I do know someone who had this done and she said it hurt like a b*tch and then it got infected. She took it out 2 weeks after because she couldn’t get rid of the infection.

Personally I would never get this done but to each his own. The world would be a very boring place if everyone was the same.

Answer #13

I just got mine done two days ago and I love it already… it was kind of sore at first, but im a dancer and I was at work the same day!! So I dont anticipate any problems as it feels kind of nice already and I havent even taken it for a test drive yet. I just spray the h2o spray on it and clean as I normally would in the shower…

Answer #14

It should be treated as an open wound and technically my piercer has told me just to be safe, 4 months..although that isn’t the case. Gotta clean it twice a day and an extra time if you have sex. A few weeks and it should be good to go, but still just be careful!

Answer #15

I just got mine done on the 5th of march (verticle hood) and its already starting to itch which means its healing and its just skin that is being pierced. it feels like someone pinched you on your skin down there and it hurts 6 seconds.. I clean it with anti bacterial soap twice a day and place the cream on it as well… this is my second piercing and I have a tongue ring..

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