Are Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee real people?

And are they as tough as everyone says? Is it all true?

Answer #1

no, its all a lie. Bruce lee might know some kind of fighting style, but not chuck. People make chuck norris jokes about his toughness because of the shows and movies he has been in. He is no more greater then tom cruise. I dont know much about bruce though, but who cares.

Answer #2

Bruce Lee died nearly 40 years ago. Before he died he developed the only creditable modern martial art that he called Jeet Kune Do. He was one of the true greats of martial arts. . Chuck Norris isn’t even a very good actor really. .

Answer #3

yes they are both true, real people.

for bruce lee watch: dragon: the bruce lee story.

for chuck… nobody f**ks with teh chuck, not even bruce:

Answer #4

Well, Bruce lee was an insanely great fighter.

Chuck Norris was too before he started acting. Won the middle weight karate championship and held it for 6 years straight. Supposedly he has his own form of karate.

Answer #5

They are both real actors. And they are both doing most of their stunts without a stuntman doing their double. And they are both very skilled at martial arts.

The “Chuck Norris Facts”, popular on the web are a little exaggerated though…. “Chuck Norris played a game of tennis against a brick wall. Chuck Norris won.”

Answer #6

lol that wasnt even a roundhouse kick it was a spinnind heel kick.And if you watch the rest of the clip Bruce Lee kicks his butt:P

Answer #7

i know what it is…..

its an ancient joke :p

Answer #8


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