Who knows that Christians are persecuted today?

And what they go through for Christ?

Answer #1

Are you talking about persecution as in punishment, or mistreatment (discrimination)?

I don’t think people get tortured, or injured these days, for being a Christian. At least not in the US, that I know of. But, I am sure they get discriminated against. Just about any religion gets discriminated against. Some people just have no tolerance for other peoples beliefs, and are completely disrespectful.

I am an Atheist, so personally…I don’t believe in “God”. But, I respect people that do…and I don’t go around shouting “GOD ISN’T REAL!” to all the Christians. lol…

Answer #2

You sound like you’re a Xian who’s whining about it right now honestly. You should be proud to stand up for what you believe in. Xians aren’t persecuted today at the level they were many many years ago. No where near. One of my favorite stories about that concerns the Roman Emperor Nero. I love that guy, he was bat sh!t crazy. Anyways, apparently at one point in time, when Xians were still heavily persecuted, he had a lawn party. Guess what he used for torches? Burning Xians on long poles. When you compare that to the minor verbal insults and such that Xians have to deal with today it doesn’t seem so bad does it? Yes, I’m sure there are physical injuries when violent people start discussing beliefs etc, etc… But I don’t think there’s a lot of effort or BS that they have to go through.

Answer #3

I suppose you have any evidence. And are not simply ranting. It is a majority religion and I have not heard of any particular christian group undergoing any more discomfort than any other religious group. I dont suppose you are simply trying to stir up trouble. Spare me the pity party. You’re living in a country that proclaims to have religious tolerance (99% of your leaders are christian) and has low poverty rates. When you’re dying because of your ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief than you may talk. Until then, a 16 year old who has never actually witnessed a genocide or any other form of torture really needs to not be talking about things they cannot possibly comprehend.

Answer #4

We are peculiar cretures. God promises his presence, not safety.

Answer #5

I think people should just answer questions and not whine about how the question shouldnt even be asked. But what do i know, im only 13, right?

Answer #6

that hurt. a lot

Answer #7

Im not trying to stir up any trouble, not at all, please dont think that. And Im not talking about Christians here in America. Im talking about Christians in other countries, who dont have the same religious freedom that we do here. Do you know how Christians are treated in China, for example? Thats not a rhetorical question, btw

Answer #8

and i assure you, im not trying to have a pity party for myself, and i can comprehend whats going on in other countries. please try to respect what im trying to say, not bash me

Answer #9

Well how about you add some detail to your question next and don’t make it sound like you’re talking to yourself. It didn’t seem like you were trying to ask an intelligent question.

Answer #10

That’s a little rude. It’s not a dumb question. I was from China, I know what it’s like over there. I don’t live there anymore so I’m not sure how many people get persecuted a year. But believe it or not there are a lot of Christians over there in China. :)

Answer #11

How is that rude? She asked a completely open ended question and got mad when we couldn’t read her mind and tell exactly what she was asking.

Answer #12

Hey, I’m not in this. Okay, I sort of am. But I don’t want to argue.

Answer #13

Any person who follows a religion that does not follow a nation’s ideal of what is proper will be persecuted….and that goes for every religion and every country.

Answer #14

right, i know, but im talking about torture. serious persecution. government taking Christians and persecuting, killing even, and torturing them

Answer #15

any answers to my question? who knows what happens over in china? who knows what Christians go through in other countries?

Answer #16

and thank you, winglessangel :P

Answer #17

Aw, are you offended because I some how implied that a 16 year old who has little idea of the realities of life shouldnt be whining? I have no doubts about the intelligence of some adolescents. You seem to have taken it a little more personally than necessary, perhaps you need to think about why. It’s not my fault people around you refuse to take you seriously. And holyman, I am still waiting to hear of all these Christians who are being persecuted? Given their tiny numbers in the Arab world where one would expect the most amount of persecution, I am at a loss as to where all these Christians are that are suffering because of their religion.

Answer #18

aw, are you being rude? im not trying to whine or anything, im trying to let people know, Christian or not that Christians are persecuted. try reading the book “the heavenly man.” its by brother yun, a chinese man who has been tortured for his faith. read it. and what do you mean its not your fault that people dont take me seriously? some, maybe, but you arent taking me seriously either.

Answer #19

Some can be bullied at school and stuff, nothing too bad. But they sure are quick to judge others ¬_¬ Nothing against Christians. I have 3 Christian friends. And a phobia of other Christians x[

Any religion will have it’s persecutors. It’s whether you listen to them that counts.

Answer #20

Seriously? Did you just read a book on one of the MANY terrible things that go on in this world and decide you wanted to act like a smart a$$? Just go share that fact in the status updates then. People being tortured for their faith doesn’t surprise me, and there are many things I’m more concerned about in the world.

Answer #21

Again…not only Christians

Answer #22

yeah, im concerned about a lot of other stuff, too. this world is full of crap.

Answer #23

Believers are generally persecuted when their faith is a minority in a strongly religious or theocratic area. The resentment over this question comes from the fact Christianity is the largest faith in the world and since they are usually the majority they are more likely to be the persecutors than the persecuted. Also some Christians put the standard of persecution so low that they see themselves as being persecuted when they are not allowed to persecute other groups.

Christians are persecuted where they are the minority. In the Middle East Christians are persecuted by the Muslim majority; In India Christians are persecuted by the Hindu minority, and in China Christians are persecuted by the non-religious government.

For example, in Saudi Arabia owning a Bible, cross, or crucifix is illegal, Christians openly worshiping can be arrested and lashed and Muslims converting to Christianity can be executed. In Turkey anti-Christian violence is approaching genocidal levels. In India anti-Christian violence has been increasing. and in China Christianity is regulated by the government and believers can be arrested for worshiping in a non-government church.

Answer #24

Yeah, the world is full of crap. But why are you being so rude Cassie? It’s not really necessary. It was a simple question, no need to go all angry about it.

Answer #25

I just had a friend come back from China, so ya, we can know what goes on over there. You are not allowed to have Bibles over there, and the practice of Christianity publicly is strictly forbidden.

Answer #26

Yes they are in China and Africa

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