
who is a christian? I am and I love it!!!

Answer #1

I am a christian. I have been a christian since I was 8 years old! =)

Answer #2

Nope, I’m a witch & loven it 1_~

Answer #3

I am check out my profile.

Answer #4

I am!

Answer #5

I have no religion… and I love it!

(I know tons of Catholics… and a few Muslims.. and some Buddhists and other kind of Christians and Jews and… well, they’re all just people. Get on great with most of them..!)

Answer #6

im apostolic/christain:))we go by everything in the bible.

Answer #7

Im with the Atheist team on this, no religion and also love it :-)

Answer #8

I am Catholic and I love it as well. I mean im not as into it as other people, but I am verrry very very proud to be Catholic, I love my religion =] All the churches I have been to that are Catholic are very openminded, and the priests are always really cool.

Answer #9

cool, I know some other Muslims! ones my friend

Answer #10

iam a Muslim

Answer #11

Wow, I am glad I cam back to this page, because I saq sameeisbored’s comment and I typed into simple english wikipedia agnostic and did a bit of research on it (I used simple english wiki because I usually dont get a word of the normal wikipedia!) and do you know what, now I realise that that is the point of view that I have… that we can’t know for sure that there is a God or not.

So now I am happy, finally something that I really see eye to eye to.


Answer #12

cool! lol me too!

Answer #13

Well I used to be a catholic, which is a branch of christianity… but I never liked it… ever. So, now I am atheist :)

And im not afraid to admit it, so I will probably be damned to hell!

Oh well!!!


Answer #14

With the person who asked this!!! I luv God 2!!

Answer #15

thats cool! glad you guys love your religion! I think all people should like/love their religion, if they have one, I mean.

Answer #16

Im Lutheran.

Answer #17

Im not, Im agnostic.

Answer #18

I’m not. I don’t have a religion. :)

Answer #19

nope, im a proud athiest

Answer #20

Im not. Im athiest :D & I love it :)

Answer #21

Good point Annv, as long as everyones happy with where they are at and have no judgments or whatever towards people with different beliefs, then the world would be much coooler. we should all have this attitude, yes? lol

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