Do Christians make mistakes?

Do christians make mistakes?

Answer #1

In response to saint:

Some have asserted that the Catholic Church sat idle during the Nazi Persecutions in the 1930s and 40s. That is incorrect however.

in 1937, at great peril to his own safety in the midst of facist Italy, he orderd the following encyclical to read from all Catholic pulpits in Germany, sparking a persecution of the Church in Germany:

“None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xI: 15)” (MIT BRENNENDER SORGE 11)

feel free to read the entire encylclical that he ordered to be read here:

At the time, the New York Times praised the pope as “the lone voice crying out in the night.” In recent times, Rabii David Dalin published the book, “The Myth of Hitler’s Pope” and he praised Pope Pius XI as a “righteous gentile.”

Answer #2

confusedx0gurl -Yes, Christians sin… some more than others… and yes, it is greivous when it happens… and yes, it causes others to stumble…

But… is this what God taught us, thru the bible, or thru his son??? No… He says to us, Go and sin no more…

Can we do that???

Can you do that???

That is the million dollar question… for each of us.

and has to answered by each one individually.

We do not have to answer for anyone elses life… only our own.

we are responsible for us, and for the witness that we leave… whether good or bad.

we have to get very serious about the things of God, before we even care … what we do.

We have a great deal to learn before we learn how to be led by the spirit of God.

When we are led by the spirit, we do not sin. For God and sin, do not go together.

He could not even look upon his own son, when the sins of the world were upon him.

That is why Jesus said, My God, My God, Why hast though forsaken me?

Without the blood of Jesus upon us, we have no part in the kingdom of God.

This is not my words, its his.

He loves everyone of us, but, he laid out a plan, and unless we reach out and receive what he offers, we are still dead in our sins.

The natural mind, is in enmity with God.

It cannot understand the things of God.

We all have to come to God the same way, thru the power of the cross.

We all have to be forgiven, if we are to have a home with God, when we die.

I speak what I speak, because of I believe totally in the holy bible, as being Gods instruction book, and I speak, because, God desires that we share his word with, whosoever, will…

Christians come to this site, to share with others, what they have found to be true in their lives.

God gives his forgiveness, when a person, realizes that they have sinned, and missed the mark. That things they did were wrong. That does not make them perfect. The only one that was perfect, was Jesus. That does, however, make them forgiven, and eligible to participate in the things of God. That does, bring them, into the line of fire.

God starts his work in an individual at the time of conversion, or actually, before, because, that person did not come to God, without God first drawing them, it is not possible, according to the bible. So, God reaches down, by the power of his spirit, and touches a life, causing that person to become aware of him, eventually leading that person to conversion.

when this happens, the persons spirit is changed, and Gods spirit comes in. He then, begins to bring change to that individual. Little by little. Some grow quicker than others, some never grow. All are accepted by the blood, that repent… that means to turn away from sin… That does not mean to become perfect… there is a huge difference. and this is where the persons looking on, stumble… by judging the person, to not be worthy… of calling himself, or herself a Christian.

Satan is the accuser of the brethern, he works thru people. We can be led of him, if we do not have Christ in us to discern the difference. We are to avoid the spirit of Satan, and the works of the flesh.

Does this come easily… No… Does this come overnight.. No… But, once we come, the blood holds us.

When God looks down, he says to Satan, back off, that is my property.

That person has been bought by the blood of my Son.

he/she has the right… to be wrong… I will do the correction that is necessary, in my way, in my time, and by the power of my spirit. I have not given you the right to judge the soul of anyone. You can only see in limited amounts. I see the whole picture. I see the blood of my Son on that person. That blood, enables them to stand. Not there own righteousness…

All flesh stinks in the nostrils of God, because it cannot please God. Only the spirit, that was created in his image.

So, this is why a Christian can miss the mark, so greivously, and get up and keep going. God enables them to do so. Was he happy when they failed… No… Did they get kicked out of his kingdom, because they sinned? No, The blood of Jesus held them secure. Did they receive correction for their sins, ? Yes. In Gods timeing, and in His way, they belong to him now.

Why is there so much confusion? Because Gods ways are higher than our ways.

Answer #3

1939, The pope and the catholic church quietly looked the other way when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi thugs started terrorizing the Jews, Blacks, Gypsies, and other races of people that were not Caucasian.


Answer #4

acal12.. welcome to our family :) and to answer your question. yes christians make christians. all of us do. christians are hypocrits. no doubt about it. but we have to try and be like God. when we do make a mistake we ask for forgiveness. easy as that :)

Answer #5

Almost all Christians will admit that they, their church leaders, and all other human beings (except Jesus, and Mary if you’re Catholic) make mistakes all the time. Yet, these same people will insist they’ve made no mistake in their understanding of the Bible.

Answer #6

nobody is perfect. Yes christians do make mistakes all the time.But when you do it is up to you to go back to the alter and ask god for forgiviness.If you do not, you may wait too long and lose what you have with god.I make tons of mistakes. I’v been a christan for 2 years and it has been the best years of my life.I would’nt trade it for a million bucks

Answer #7

I am a christian that has just been baptized and I make mistakes who doesnt its just that when you do you know that you should try harder not to fall and maybe you should ty talking to your pastor

Answer #8

I’ve been a Christan all my life, and I’ve make mistakes just as long. If you didn’t make mistakes you would Jesus, your not. But learn from them, and life will be much better.

Answer #9

I’ve been a Christan all my life, and I’ve make mistakes just as long. If you didn’t make mistakes you would Jesus, your not. But learn from them, and life will be much better.

Answer #10

acal12 ~~ Welcome to the family of God !!! ~Hugs~

If I can ever be of help, please don’t hesitate to send me a shout.

God Bless You…

Answer #11

I recently went to a Catholic vegas night in the church basement. There was beer gambling and pretty girls. I had fun. But it did not seem very Christian to me.

Answer #12

Yes we do. We make honest mistakes, and we also make serious errors in judgment. We even do evil things at times. That’s why we need the grace of the Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of Christ on the cross.

Grace is what gives us the power to recognize what we’ve done and admit it. We even have to admit that its our fault (Penitential Prayer: I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have sinned through my own fault: in my thoughts and in my words; in what I have done and what I have failed to do.)

GK Chesterton observed in his book “Orthodoxy”: “Whether or not there is a water that can cleanse a man of all his iniquities, there can be no doubt that he needed washing. What the agnostic of today has done is not to deny the highly disputable water, but rather to deny the indisputable dirt”

Answer #13

Certainly !! - Every one of us are human and of a sinful nature - as a Christian I take great comfort however knowing that when I fall short (sin), Jesus says if we repent (genuinely sorry) to Him, He is ‘Faithful and Just to forgive’ - that’s certainly not a license to sin or do as one pleases, a Christian will always strive to please the Lord in all we say and do daily - ALL make mistakes…Hope this helps !!

Answer #14

hahaha yes christians make mistakes lol I make mistakes every day but I think the more important question is do christians sin,,,

and the answer is HELL YEA !!! every human being commints sin EVEN PRIEST lol but the difference is the christians can ask for forgivness and god gives it to us lol and are mistakes/sins are washed away as if they never were

Answer #15

Oh yes, we do. Actually, if we were perfect we wouldn’t need Jesus. Jesus came to save people who can’t be good enough on their own. The goodie-goodies of Jesus’ day hated His interest in the people who knew they’d made mistakes. The Church is (or should be) a community of people who know they make mistakes, and have turned to Jesus for help. And therefore I agree with the answers above…

Answer #16

jediforce2 - Yes, Jediforce, Christians do make mistakes, however, once we accept Jesus into our hearts, I believe that we become more and more sensitive, to things that are wrong,. and the more we read the word, and the more sermons that we hear, the more our understanding grows, as to what Jesus desires out of our lives. We are forgiven at the moment of conversion, yet, we continue to grow all thru out our lifetime, as long as we remain open to the teaching of the Holy spirit.

God bless you …

Answer #17

duh lol like ya but thats why people go to church to let there sins out every one does pssshhh

Answer #18

You were almost right - Christians DO make little Christians !! LOL

Answer #19

Everyone makes mistakes.

Answer #20

of course eveybody makes mistakes

Answer #21

I mean yes christians make mistakes. lol oopsie

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