How do I make chocolate strawberries?

Answer #1

you take strawberries and dip them in chocolate. To get the chocolate liquid take a candy bar and put it in a pot then put that pot into a larger one full of water and let the water boil which in turn will melt of the chocolate. The put them in the fridge to cool. Or you can be cheap and go to the store and buy chocolate syrup and just pour it into a bowl and dip the strawberries into that.

Answer #2

You buy a plain packet of chocolate and put in a bowl, melt it. Then dip the strawberries in it and put them in the refrigerator until hard (:

Answer #3

get strawberries and dip them in chocolate fondue

Answer #4

amazing details.

Answer #5

I always use almond bark because it melts fast and smooth then hardens pretty fast afterwards without falling off of the strawberry. and almond bark is like the best chocolate ever!! :D So, heat that up with crisco, (follow instuctions on the pack) while cutting off the green from the strawberries. Then dip the strawberries in the pot for a few second so that they get a little warm (trust me this makes it better) then put them on a pan with wax paper and through em’ in the fridge. Or… if you want it faster, in the freezer for a few minute :D - Note; if you buy new strawberries, they won’t taste as sweet. I like to wait a few days before doing this so they’lll get a little sweeter :D

Hope this helps :D ENJOY!! :3

Answer #6

thank you, i will try tonite:))

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