What do you think about children and preteen listening to pop music and top 40 songs?

Many songs played on hit songs radio stations and top 40 music have a lot of sexual themes and glorify a life of drug use, making out and a superficial life of money and excess. Sometimes you can’t be there all the time and control what childrens are exposed to and after a certain age they do start putting one and one together and know the songs are about sex. When I was 10 or so there was a song on the radio all the time titled “I touch myself” and I knew what it was about. Why parents get all freaked out about PG13 movies but not about songs that are really sexual?

Answer #1

Well I’m constantly going :O at the stuff on the radio. Even if it was prohibited kids would still find a way to listen to the songs

Answer #2

Kids are going to be exposed to that stuf one way or another. As a parent, you just need to provide them with a good influence and answers to any questions they may have… Music today can be really trashy, but it doesn’t change who I am as a person, it never did.

Answer #3

Honestly, I don’t feel kids should be exposed to that sort of language or that sort of thing at all. It’s rather unavoidable though. I do believe that in some way we are always going to be influenced by these things we see and hear but the level of influence depends. I think in the end it goes down to parenting, if a parent has taught their child well enough not to succumb to any outer influences whether it be movies or explicit lyrics. My parents always taught me well, right from wrong, and I was always proud of my own way of thinking so for me I never found appeal to that sort of stuff in music or film.

Answer #4

My parent’s used to avidly collect CD’s back in 98 and one day i just kept sticking each and everyone of them into the cd player and checking out all the songs to find something i liked, so as im going through all these CD’s and i find this cover http://funadvice.com/r/15v6196qvhq , Track 3 on that album is called “animal” and it’s about (believe it or not) Incestual r*pe , to this day i remember the lyrics by heart, and i didn’t turn out to be a criminal or did it change anything about me… i think disallowing them to do something will make them do it 10x worse, so people should stop being so overprotective….

Answer #5

Kids aren’t introduced to bad language from music most of the time. Usually friends or relatives introduce that to them. Personally I listen to music that I can relate to and yes most of it has the parentel guidence lable on the front its MY decision to listen to what I want I am a human being my parents Don’t own me . I’m a lady. I very rarley cuss which is odd because I love Eminem!!

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