Can President Bush cap the price of gas at the pump?

Can President Bush cap the price of gas at the pump?

Answer #1

* “The prices are going up because there is a monopoly on oil. “

…and I suppose that the value of the dollar dropping almost in half relative to other world currencies, and by 2/3 relative to precious metals, has nothing to do with it?

Answer #2

I agree toadaly. But what could be done is an elimination of subsidies for big oil, and a windfall profit tax on all the money they have made on our backs. It is a crime that they are making these huge profits during a time of war, and it is the amercian people that are paying for it.

Answer #3

No. Congress would have to do that.

It’s a really bad idea by the way. It would guarantee shortages. Given the choice, would you rather pay $5/gallon to drive, or ride a bike/walk. That’s the difference between price controls vs. high prices.

Answer #4

lol. I can just imagine him giggling at the thought of all that extra loot he and his cohorts are making.

Answer #5

why would he want to? he has investments in oil… he gets money when oil prices go up (you think it’s a coincidence that oil prices have tripled since he became president?)

Answer #6

He could but if that happens we might as well give up our rights. Once one thing is changed and handled by the government that leads to others then soon we have no say in anything.

Answer #7

He could, but he won’t. It wouldn’t cause shortages. The prices are going up because there is a monopoly on oil. This prevents competition and so they can price it however they would like. Obviously they are going to want it high, that’s why they made record profits in 2007. They made massive amounts more money while our small businesses are closing down and there are major lay offs. It is illegal, but as ty said, he has his hands all dirtied up in it, so why would he bring up the illegal factor? Congress is in the same boat as him. Republicans claim to be for the average guy with their tax cuts, but really they are completely against the average guy. They give bigger tax cuts to the rich, and they use the taxes for things that don’t actually help America at all, like the war in Iraq, instead of internal improvements like healthcare. They are probusiness and promonopoly instead of preoaverage person and prosmall businesses. All politicians are greedy SOBs, but republican politicians are greedy SOBs who don’t care in the slightest about how well they do their job, which is carrying out the will of citizen body for the citizen body. Instead, they exploit the uneducated and the fact that children are easily brainwashed and will carry their parents and teachers beliefs. Brian D.

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