Can pot kill you

Can pot kill you

Answer #1

Yes. Pot, Marajuana, hash, and weed can kill you. But so can water. Too much of anything and your dead. Marijuana itself has never killed someone, but the acts of smoking has lead some to kill themselves. Ok, so tobacco kills about 435,000 per year, a bad reaction to Brand Name Perscription drugs kills 32,000 a year. Maybe the 365,000 deaths from poor diet and physical inactivity inactivity had something to do with the use of marijuana, but the point is that it has never killed anyone. The only adverse effect some people get is paranoia, BUT THAT’S BECAUSE ITS ILLEGAL!! So stay scared and you wont get caught. Now, because it is Illegal, there is a HUGE profit market being taken advantage of by Mexico, Canada, and any stranger trying to make a buck. A huge amount of money is siphoning out of this country unseen. I have traveled many places around this country. I have yet to meet someone anywhere I go that does not smoke. It could be very inexpensive, but “good weed” or rather; weed grown under perfect circumstances with better lights, and hydration system for maximum nutrition, could all be taxed and regulated.

Answer #2

you can only od on pot if something’s spiked with it… like lsd or whatever.

Answer #3

you cannot feasibly overdose on pot, and deaths related to pot are almost all driving related. pot is rarely spiked, as the substance used to spike it with will be worth much more than the pot itself.

Spiking pot with LSD will NOT do anything at all as LSD is destroyed much before the temperatures needed to burn the pot is reached. (lighting the pot kills the LSD)

Answer #4

I almost died on pot but it was laced with coke. im 14

Answer #5

first of all dont tell him he can die likes its easy to do or something you cant od from pot unless you eeat your body weight of it in an hour or smoke the equivalent (cant spell and thats not from smoking either before someone smarts off) of 77,000 joints so good luck with that

Answer #6

no pot can not kill u … you cannot od on pot…and if it does kill you then you smoke tooo much got and your car and had a accident and got urself killed with stupidity.. or you can die if you get shot because of a drug deal gone bad. but by smoking it hell no not if your and your house..I smoke allday everyday anf I’m not dead

Answer #7

The ignorance in this thread is astonishing! Marijuana alone has the potential to kill you, but as mentioned, you would need to ingest a lot of it in a little bit of time.

The LD50 for THC in humans suggests that you would have to smoke 1500lbs in 15 minutes to die from THC alone. Sounds unrealistic to overdose on THC, yes? You would probably die from suffocation before you died from the THC.

The guy who said you can OD on Marijuana if laced with LSD is a fuckin’ moron. As mentioned above, LSD is destroyed by the heat used to smoke the Marijuana, making the LSD only a huge waste of money.

Marijuana can not make you hallucinate. I’m sure some bangin’ azz herb can induce visuals, but you’re not going to be hallucinating.

The one cancer related death a year that red rose mafia suggested wouldn’t be from Marijuana, so I have no idea why he/she even mentioned it.

Also, why is Cannabis a schedule I drug? Cocaine and Methamphetamine as schedule II.

I just wanted to clearify some things. The government lies to you, mostly.

Answer #8

Of Coursee


Answer #9

If you hit someone hard enough with it, yes.

Answer #10

I dont do weed. but pot can not kill you.

Answer #11

no, it cant. dont believe these ignorant fools who say it can. youd have to eat more then I bet you could of it

Answer #12

lol no it cant, there is only 1 death a year from it and thats onl because of lung cancer because you usualy mix pot with tabacco it can only kill you if you have an accident while on pot, but pot alone sitting in a room with no risks around you then it cant kill you. unless you have a paranioa attack and kill urself

Answer #13

yes, plus you can go to jail if your caught with it.

Answer #14


Answer #15

what’s with you in pot, and drugs. kid, are you smokin pot?

Answer #16

lmao. of course pot can kill you if you smoke too myuch,. how much? I have no idea but im sure its a lot more than I’ve ever seen at once.. anyways.. oh. and pot can make you hullicnate

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