Can I go to a haunted maze if im pregnant

Ok well theres this haunted halloween maze that opens up next week & by next week I’ll be 6 weeks can I go to the maze ? Will it affect my pregnancy in anyway ?

Answer #1

Girl you can do what ever you want to do while you are pregnant. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that you have to stop doing things period. I was in a marching band when I was pregnant I marched many places and danced all at once. JUST ENJOY YOURSELF! and dress pretty lol I never wore maternal clothes but dont wear too tight stuff as well not good

Answer #2

by the way I am going to universal horror nights and knotts scary farm and I will be 6 months pregnant!

Answer #3

my doctor told me it was ok as long as I wasnt the type to run he said he was more worried about me running and falling so as long as you dont do that you are ok!!!

Answer #4

To be honest I wouldn’t chance it. Due to the fact you could get scared, fall, knock into others. But it is up to you and your obgyn.

Answer #5

I’m sure you’ll be fine

Answer #6

see your GP

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