Why is Caillou bald?

Does he have cancer or something? I mean he’s like, 4!!

Answer #1

According to the PBS web site: http://funadvice.com/r/bfnc8p4ci17 Q. Why is Caillou bald?

A. Caillou’s character is based on a much younger character featured in illustrated children’s books published before the television series was created. Generally, for children, Caillou is a larger than life image of a preschooler. The fact that he is bald does not seem to bother preschoolers in the least. Not only do they never mention it, but when asked to think about why Caillou has no hair, our focus groups just laughed and replied: “He just doesn’t have any hair!”

Answer #2

You know, I’ve always wondered why cartoons are always left handed.

Answer #3

I’ve often wondered that too! I thought maybe he has cancer..? But it figures, all cartoons have hair so good idea to make a cartoon boy with no hair, it gives him something unique that kids will remember = more viewing = more $$$

Answer #4

They probably too lazy to make the hair…

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