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Is buying makeup for halloween a good exuse for my mom to let me wear makeup?
it would probably work. go for it
LOl Yeah. xp
ooo thats A good one i’m going to say that but not buy to much stuff xD
Well considering most Halloween make-up is just things such as face paint in different colors, that’s probaby not going to help your cause when wanting to use things like eye liner, mascara, eye shadow, etc. on a daily basis.
i agree with leanne. she seems like she knows what she’s doing.
lol smart idea. i should of thought of that. lol :P
I have to go with Hayley here. Moms are much smarter than you give them credit for, and they’ll notice if you start wearing makeup. They also know that blush, eyeliner, mascara, etc. usually aren’t used for Halloween.
Thankss ! But me and my friends are going as dolls and we just need basic things so wouldthat work?
Doll makeup would be more like face paint. If you insist on using regular makeup, she might just make you use a friend’s or hers. I really doubt she would buy your own for just a single occasion.
halloween makeup isn’t really good for any other day.
Well i bought the makeup but I havent shown her yet ? How do I show her…
If you have the ability to go out and just buy it without her knowing, chances are she won’t care.
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