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i dont know. i guesss milk… umm caption(switch it off plzz)
wtf lol milk??? i dnt thnk thats guna work lol.
idk! i mentioned…. forgive me my lady :D try google always helps… i guess u r in a hurry :P
lol yeah im going on vacation and my hands are brown and the rest of me is light brown lol
i hav an idea and u may think im stupid(i am a bit not much but a tiny bit) get tanned(all over the body)
lol… i tried tht a month ago and ended up getting sun poisoning really bad i had a 103 fever and i was coverd in blisters… some people do have good reasons for the self tanning..
Weird thing, but best thing to use is baking soda, like wash your hands and scrub baking soda onto your hands. Avoid the milk thing, it doesnt work Dx
i tried the baking soda it didnt work :\
carpet cleaner got it off!!!!!!! i just scrubbd with the back of sponge. it worked great!! also i was stuck in the rain the day before and tht took alot off real easy too lol weird..
Can I use tanning bed lotion in the sun? - 1 Answers
I bought some australian gold tanning lotion for when I go to the tanning bed, but can I use it in the sun too??
What is the best kind of outside tanning lotion that is under $20? - 2 Answers
im trying to get tan before the summer what is the best tanning lotion I can buy for under $20?
How does tanning lotion work? - 3 Answers
I wanna try it but I just don't see how putting oil on your skin makes you get darker, when the only thing that really contri...
How do I know what tanning bed lotion to buy? - 4 Answers
I want to start using tanning beds, And i need tanning bed lotion but i have no idea which to buy! I don't want to go real da...
How to get a tan? - 2 Answers
How can I get liek tan w/o gettin burned not at a tannin bed
Does Johnsons Holiday Tan lotion work? - 1 Answers
I hear a lot about johnsons holiday tan lotion.does it and how does it work.what does it really do.
How do you get a good tan at home? - 2 Answers
Well my skin isnt pale its fair and I just want it olive...
How do you tan faster without getting a sun burn? - 2 Answers
I am a person who wants to tan but I really don't have the time to tan... I was wondering if there is a faster way I could po...
What is a cheap outside tanning lotion? - 2 Answers
I really want to get tanner. My parents will not let me tan in a tanning bed so does anyone know of a good outside tanning lo...
why is my tanning lotion smearing? - 2 Answers
why does my lotion smear its the healthy glow kind but evertime I use it it smears like so how can I get it to stop and look ...
Plush Tan
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Bel-O-Sol Tanning Salon
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