Is it possible to have broken every single bone in your body (not all at one time) and still be alive, and walking?

Answer #1

Not possible when it comes to walking. Not sure about being alive, of course you’ll be in a lot of pain..

Answer #2

Breaking some of the bones in your body if broken will kill or forever impare your central nervous system so you can’t really do anything so the answer would be a no

Answer #3

The famouse stint dude did exept his spine and he live so ya as long as you don’t break you spine or you skull bad you can crack you but not break it fully both of these may cause death

Answer #4

Evil kenevil is the person I’m thinking of

Answer #5

it is possible to live after breaking every bone in your body. you only have to have very good doctors.

Answer #6

you might have been able to ask Evel Knevel that question, were he still alive.

Answer #7

Every single bone includes bones in your neck which if broken would unconnect your brain from the rest of your body so you’d die.

Answer #8

yes, bones heal. it is possible to break every single bone, but that would be a tremendous task, there are alot of tiny bones in the hands and ears, and it would be difficult to break every single one… unless you deliberately tried…

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