~Broken Glass~

This is another one I would like some feedback on. what do you like and dislike? anything you would have me change? and please leave any nasty comments to yourself, there is a lot going on in my life right now and no I don’t wish to die.

–:Broken Glass:– Staring at my reflection in the mirror I see shards of broken glass~ Reflecting on the broken years and the slivers of tears in my past~ The background falls and I see millions of miniature me’s and a cracked life~ Falling back into my mind where repetitive actions tear my soul like a knife~ The glass bleeds and I realize that it is a copy of my cut up face~ My heart is bleeding for something unknown that I wish to just escape~ Reaching out to put back together the once beautiful reflection with my finger tips~ Kissing goodbye to the nightmares and the lies with chapped and broken lips~ The mirror bleeds again, red liquid falling along the glass slivers~ My hands are hurt by what I want to reach out to; give hope to, and the pain makes me quiver~ The glass falls and shatters to the ground reflecting only the blood it lies in~ trying unsuccessfully to pick up parts of myself that I cannot stop dispersin’~ And I stare at the pieces of glass that have gotten smaller in size yet have grown in number~ I wonder when my life will completely fall apart and I’ll be able to enter eternal slumber~ My hand reaches once more for the glass but instead it cuts my foot as I tread, forbidding me to walk~ Swallowing down the pain and anger , gettin the emotions caught in my throat, I cannot talk~ I fall to my knees and more glass invades my skin and bones~ Blades in my stomach replaces the butterflies that once came from love for hip hop, leaving me all alone~ I rub my eye to wipe the tears and the mirror gets caught, ironically stooping my sight~ Stabs of pain in my back kill the support and penetrate into my heart of ice~ The room gets dark, and I see nothing, not a sliver of glass, or a reflection of the self I despise~ I hold no feelings, my body is glass, but no more tears for…for I have no feeling left to cry~

Answer #1

I like it (:

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