How can I bring up the topic of opening a bank account to my parents without them thinking I'm ridiculous or too young?

Answer #1

I don’t think they would think you are ridiculous. Wanting to open a bank account is a sign of maturity.

Answer #2

Why would your parents think that? I opened my first bank account when I was seven.

Answer #3

i agree wit patricia if u have a job, u should have a bank account my mom actually made me open one last year, i was 15 :)

Answer #4

I don’t have a job :P But I need a bank account if I ever want the money from this site (:

Answer #5

haha i didnt have a job either,, still dont :P nd what do u mean money from this site?

Answer #6

Just be smart and know what you’re doing, they’ll like the sound of you trying to grow up.

Answer #7

I cannot imagine a parent thinking a bank account is silly. First thing you should do is investigate banks in your area. See which are offering free savings accounts that have no fees attached to them. Many banks offer these to anyone and some only offer free banking to people under 18. You also need to decide if you want a joint account with a parent or will the account only have your name on it. Keep in mind that anyone who’s name is on the account has access to the money.

Answer #8

You know, the points system?

Answer #9

you are never too yound to have a bank account! tell them you want a savings account for college! that has to work!

Answer #10

no clue waiitt,, u mean like points for answers?

Answer #11

As long as the reason is good, an example would be for a college saving, meaby you can tell them it can teach you more responsibility and such. But truth is, is that sometimes when you are young you can be mature and all but there is always that little kid tought that tells you to spend that money on stupid things. You gatta understand your perents side, they will be nourvous about this too, what if you do one little mistake and you loose credit? I’m not saying you will do it, it’s just an example.

Answer #12

Yes (;

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