What bra to wear to bed or none??

i’ve heard it’s best to wear a sports bra it keeps you more supported. or not wear a bra to bed?? or will that make you go saggy.. but keeping the bar on will it let you grow? i really don’t know! help

Answer #1

i wear my push up bra’s to bed lol

Answer #2

i dont wear a bra to bed. More comfy that way.

Answer #3

I don’t wear a bra to bed

Answer #4

that all depends on the genes you have…and how comfortable you are sleeping with a bra on! When I was a kid I was told not to sleep with it on so they can breath! I come from a hugs @ss cup size on both sides of my family so I couldnt escape the whole big bust situation…sleeping with a bra was killing me so I stopped doing it! If you have small sized busts & dont mind sleeping with your bra then by all means…I used a sports bra for working out…the ones from speedo with the under wire…I dont really like the new sport bras they have no support for big busts no more under wire…tight snuggly fit…just that one huge one that doesnt do much on support! —>http://funadvice.com/r/3k9206g8sa

This is a good sports bra by natori —>http://funadvice.com/r/3k9206g90l that is what a good sports bra looks like that will hold you tight & snuggle with doing something fun like Zumba! Woohoo! You can tell the difference by the support of the bust & the shoulders & the back!

Hope this helped!

Answer #5

dont wear a bra..it leaves a mark

Answer #6

if u r at least a c cup i would say a lose sports bra if any

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