Why do i like books about murders, and serial killers?

Answer #1

Well, I thought of several ways to answer this but I’ll jet say this. Why do I like animal books? Or books on [mystery] relationships? Everyone’s different and has their own tastes :)

Answer #2


Answer #3

It’s fascinating. There’s more to books about murders and serial killers than just their crimes. There is the motive, the psychology, the way they did it etc. It often has to do with more than the time of the murders, their history, their family, their life, it’s immensely fascinating.I personally have an obsession with serial killers, does not mean I would ever commit a single murder, just reading and researching about them is fascinating.

Answer #4

i like watching things about that stuff. because it is different,and i am interested in the mind, and that is some what of a way to see what is going on in their heads.

Answer #5

its normal, a lot of people actually find them fascinating. myself included. though serial killers disgust me i like to read about why and how humans can be so cruel.

Answer #6

My guess: Because the bad guys get caught in the end, so it helps you maintain some faith that there is a moral order in the world.

Answer #7

I went though a stage where i was constanlty watching films about serial kills and I LOVED IT. Its what ever your into just just dont do anything stupied. Ok punpking :)

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