Is it a bomb or gone?

What happens when you split an atom

Answer #1

412-princess - What? Unless im taking crazy pills and theres no such person as Albert Einstein you most certainly can split an atom. Ever heard of fission? Also there are over 100 different types of atoms. Theres no such thing as just “the atom”. Atoms come in many types, each with its own characteristics and properties. Some are bigger and smaller than others. Someone needs to re-take high school chemistry and read the periodic table of elements.

mustafahaleem - Depends on the atom you are splitting. If you split enriched Uranium or Plutonium atoms you can expect a dramatic side effect that involves wiping your city off the map and vaporizing yourself. This would be considered a fission bomb ( Atomic bomb). But you need enriched weapons grade uranium or plutonium to achieve the proper effect and TNT to trigger the splitting of your atoms. Its a very complex process to enriching these 2 elements and they’re not something you can just buy. This is very different from the Uranium/Plutonium samples you see for sale online. Keep in mind also that fission bombs are no longer produced. The military developed fusion bombs (Thermonuclear) in the 50’s and they have made Atomic bomb obsolete. Im sure some guy in a lab coat could explain it better but thats the basic idea. If you want a good demonstration of fission/fusion bombs watch the documentary “Trinity and Beyond”. You’ll get a few dramatic demonstrations of what happens when you screw with splitting atoms. Oh, and don’t do anything stupid!

Answer #2

Sorry, you are both misinformed. Atoms are made up of smaller particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons. And they in turn are made up of even smaller bits called quarks - of which there are 6 different kinds. It takes a GREAT deal of energy to break up matter to this stage, and presently a VERY powerful device called the Large Hadron … I forgot the last word(!) … (Collider perhaps) is being built and will be online soon. Scientists from many nations are taking part in this.

Answer #3

What happens? nuclear reactions. . . . here’s a nice story about it. Example of nuclears reaction gone wrong Bomb Melt down

Example of how splitting atoms works.

Answer #4


Answer #5

u cant spit an atom it is the smallest particle PERIOD you CANT split an atom

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