What: Should i blame myself for this??

My half older brother passed away yesterday. He was in a car accident. He lives in SC and my dad and I haven’t seen or heard from him in like 7 years. Like last month he found me on facebook and we were talking and stuff and he said he wanted to visit this summer. I gave him my dads # so they could talk. He text my dad a few weeks ago but my dad didn’t respond to the unknown number. I’m feeling really guilty becuase I never mentioned to my dad that the number was my brother, and my dad never got to talk to him after all that time. Right now there isn’t no one I can talk to about this, so I need to know should I blame myself?? : (

Answer #1

Blame Your Self 4 wht?

Answer #2

I feel like it’s my fault my dad didn’t get the chance to talke to him…

Answer #3

No, definitely not. I can see and understand why you would feel upset about this, but it isn’t really your fault that you guys lost touch in the first place for so long and that your dad didn’t reply. You gave your brother the number which gave them a HUGE window to reconnect. So I think that you should rest knowing that what you did was a good thing, and that you should not feel bad for doing it.

I’m really sorry for your loss, though. If you need to talk, I’m just a FunMail away.

Take care.

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